Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — A Saturday Holiday. [ARTICLE]

A Saturday Holiday.

|.We for tlic }|uung men ; for thc e:crk oi'illouohilu ; iiay, far| tlic men tlicn;Cli>6c oiEee* 1 al iju cavly hour } eay 2 o'el k OQ| Saturday affcernooM Wc know whut it ih i■» tojl at a <icsk ; it i« worse to tlie human fraiiK tbpn ordinary toil \vitb thc hoe In the hot A eheerful, recreatHig !Saturday aileinoon, \w»uM vvtll dispose us to Sun(!ay publie worship ; !mt if wearied up to thc last \vorking hour of Satuni»\. W(j) neeu a late eoiieh knd rest wīthin our roiori Sunday. But more than that r we ehould row6rk up to what we «ian bear ; arid rctire evev\ nig!)t with a dizzy h|ead and a weary laek, 1»»:eauee we are living up to our limit. ano ar any t. overtaxed nature may " loote lhr sitver cord.'" Be careful of this body ft so feai fdlly atid wondorāilly niade r? and if jou woi k (iard five day* in a week. then take a litt!e Saiui - day Holiday. ' ūiinmm t »*