Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 May 1873 — Butchers' Meat [ARTICLE]
Butchers' Meat
Onght not'to constitutc so large a portiou of thc diet 6f tropical as of eokl or temperate c'limātcß ; it ought to be of bettor quality, or rather vvo wish'to Pay, that any iiiferiority or unßound eondition of weat iu a land where the human 6ystem braced by frost is not likcly to be 80 injuriouß to liealth, as 'm a eiimale where the animal eeonomy ie continual!y re]ased by heat. A man in the Arctic ean digest all tallow ; but he wants only a moderate allowanee of fat with his lean at the equator. A Kussian ean masticate a tough and unsound pieee of bulJock whieh would turn the stomach of an Egyptian, Tropical conetitutions and tropxcal conditīons requirc fresh anel tender incat. And we haye excellent. beef and mutton m thosc islands. No diseaec has ever yci reached our llocks; not an ailmcnt yet known among our bullocks or eheep, The health of thcso animale ie perfect in this wholeeome archipelago. The pasture is abundant and nourishing cxcept in a few overstocked localities; and pro~ duces meat well~grained and well-fiavored, whieh cannot be surpas6ed in the world v Therefore if sometimcs in your antieipations of a niee eieal, ybu are occasionally disappointed with a tough, dry, tasteless ehop, steak or joint, don't abuse the xneat of the islands, and say that there is nothing like a genuinc »Southdowu ehoy, | or a Wcst T\leath round of becf, or a New York porter housc steak, because thc islands producc as ehoiee meat as ever roamcd in the [jastures of the United Kingdoiu or of the United States, Thc deficiency or inferiority you have to eomplain ofisowing to treatment after the itfprime condition its good pasture. It has, after a rudc' proecss of capture, a worrying tiip in steamer or equally worrying drive on this island, from the efiects of whieh, the crea- • ture would fully recover after a day or two of; rest and fced; but when its resfc is in an open unsheltered pen, and with no fced, the worry of the trip to niarket is ohly aggravated by thc fevcr of hunger, and exposure to a hot eun. .Every day of Buch hunger and exposure must rapidly dcteriorate thc quality of the meat; and in what condition must it be if au animal has stood one week, cven Iwo weeks wiihoul a moutk-! Ju! of jbo<f? j We don't say, that this is now taking plaee in j this town, but such a thing—such neglect and| abuse of an animal intended as fbod fbr civilized| stomach, has oflten occurred in thcse islands. We | have ourselves known eheep to stand in an open j pen ,at Lahaina"for two weeks without ibod ; and i they were slaughtQred at last, when the crcatures ! could no longer stand up, and then had their! tlesh biowu. up by human breath, perhiy)s by a | man with a diseased body, in order to <*ive an! appearanceof lullness and pufliness to a dry, ema-\ ciated eareass; and we have more than onee, brought sueh abuse and outriigc to the attention; of an agent of the Eoard of IleaU-h. Buch prae-| tices have becu severely punished as misdeamcan-! ors in Ijondon and New Vork courts, and our own j statuto respocting oruelty to animala should be! severeiy applie<l 11 sue!ī eases in this eountry,! We do not believe that sueh abuac of animale' and sueh foul eontrivanees to improvc the appear« : anee of meat are praetieed by tho butehers ofihis: city, V\ r e have never heard any stateiuent to that elleet, I»ut we bcg to eommeiki to (\mv inteliigent nnd Imninue eonsideration* the providing' of'a liUle fbod for e\ery animaL bulloek or ehcq>| m\\>t vonsideriti?t ?he may om'
m ulvct has to be eupplieil, lia?c to etaud a day or; t\vo m a pen. Wc thirik that the espejiHeofa i | !lttlo graes woukl bc &aved in ihe' prcservation uf' I juicc iind fat; and if a eheUei* was added to keep' ananlmal eooi that is Tvaiting to bc slaughtercd; wc think that an appreciative and eumniunity, desiring above all things to have tendcr, juicj hnd wholeeoiue ineat fbr thclr'tablcB, and for thb stoiuachs of thc loved odds of thcir huiue j cirele Avould readily give a preeminence of puU'onage to thc liberal, en]ightened und huuaane butoher, who will provide all proper ineans fbr the health and comfort of animals that produce the most important item of our food,