Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — By Request [ARTICLE]

By Request

Of liis Ex. tlie Aincrican Mīnister, Mr. Stcinhorger, thc genfleman who arrivcd liere on board the Bchooner Fanny, und wiio is eu route to the Navigator Islands, paid a visit to the Peaii Harbor Lagoon on board tl>o uteam launeh Scdan, iu comtuand of Mr. W. J. Pfluger. Afcer a stay in the Lagoon, the Minister, Mr. Steinbsrger, and Capt. Moodj% of tho Fanny, returned to town in I tho Hotel -carriage, whieh awaiied them. This | was sin)ply a _pleasure exeursion, ov to gratify | eariosity, nnd was not, ns souie (juidnuncs \vould have U8 bclieve, an " official surcaj' Great heavetis! if t!ie old eon>uiercial and seientifie god Mercury with \viugs to his lieek, had thc job of " 6urve_ying " 3Pearl Ilarbor lochs and coast lines, and had onl_v about t\vo hours to do it in, eoukl he add aiy thing to Uie h % vdrograplu(. iuformati.)n, pei'hap* now lithographed at ihe Ily drogruphic Burcau at W(ishiugton, and acquireci, duri»jj; weekā of earcful suvvc_y bv Geu. Akwanuei', the beat iuilit;ny cu£ineer of the Unucd Siates, by Aduiiral Penuoek, anil l>_y Lieuta, Sunds aud Cutts, and MWehipiiuiu Wilson, who BurveyeJ Samana Bvy ? Could iie «dd anythi«g to tlie"topographie iuforumtion obtained by our Ale\,unlet aud Mt-ssL-s. Lvont aud • bcautiful uiap re!leet.s lkaior ou their ].<bors? Jsot a f«ct, not a liue, nor a «inglo udditioual souudiug. Every rood of that harbor aud iu thoro lines lias beeu plumuied aud Hued. Theu dou't taik to up ol any othcr 4 ■ifiieiaf <urvev " durini? j ] -

a HiOit pl»'a»-ure tup, whieh did no( tke\aŪegal burifyot\ Thi» taik ot a e.i^r?ejie» a iuse o' the u Aduiiau]itefe," who wniit togive additiona! eoq«eq|ueuee to their Peail on!y ba!\ati«'D # ° ■ grand batuboozing whieh proposcs to boo#t iupift weak.mi.Distry ;l give sdmebody a d;pluniatle ijau|nt home, and to aaddle Unele Sam wilh nu t £i^phant. : ' - 1 ' --- : ...... - 4**