Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — Who are Opposed to Foreign Interests? [ARTICLE]

Who are Opposed to Foreign Interests?

Thc Gāzetic wants to know if lbreigners wIH ; <?upport a paper that 1$ hostl!e to their }ntorest«? | And \te shall «ot fnil to ask IlawauaoH m mote ; wa-ys than o«e, If they i{ve \villing to >upport ā | paper. tlie "KuoKwr, whiel* js whol!j oppose«J to | thelr intefo6t6 ai\d their u!depei\&eiieo ? j But how are we to foreig» h\torests? : Are vre 80» we a proposed ; treat\ wlueli i« eons]<!en\l a perfeet M Mon I the l'juted and onty affords a !vare' ehmue | for ns fco raise the uiml ? Are we opposed to ! theiv inU we \sou'u ui--u 1e them from I throwing aw\y n\ mu \ lime md effovt a ! mea#«ve trhieh pi }k»mv{ by indireetion that iheVnitcd >t only h;tve anvthing !

to do' with in conēoquenco! of a froc t gonerd!, ar. ' bpontjaueoue offer ? Wc have heard maiiy ou<" opponents admit that Peail Harbi?r wou!d bo h tf ewihelle," an <{ elephaoi;," on the t ..f tb GovejrnmenL uf Ameiieii; but t])en thty uigo ib;«! we ought not to be Fjo1« to consider thior in the way of oue own personal by opposing thc mea*urc; a unite 1 effortl might lielp to blood*wink the himple, unoo eervant, uninformed Amej , icau legislator». Th|is is the talk of trick|&ters, and not of pau ots, or right minded ruen, withuut speaking statosmen. Y r our pruposcd treaty is a liame, a maneuvre, a " and a 6ort of.diverting tub.' cast by jthe men of our poor ehip of State to the; irndeßtedj discontented wliale. Wlien we brcak up the| delusive hopes iuspii»*d by tl|'is proposed trcaty, we are not opposed t-> forcign intere*ts; but tbuse are who try to themL |