Nuhou, Volume II, Number 5, 29 July 1873 — Economy and Liberality [ARTICLE]
Economy and Liberality
Are D€edod in ai3y aviso pursuit oflife ; micl vcry cspecially iu tlic affairs of Oomnmeiii. fconomy leads to liboralitj; and libcralitj is nsua% the best economj, Now in tlic admnnstmtioQ, of thc C<oveniment of tbis coimtij 3 at ihis time, we seem to Ue blcst with a goodcleal of '•eonomy •; ī>ut 'm liberality. Fevlmps tliere l7riß )iofc becn mueh opjfM>rtnmty' fi>r tlie exercise' of liberali(^; and miniBtcrs are iiot obliged to seek >pportun%; But we were jugt tliinking; liere he īs a poor little vi a!most bankrupted oountry; ■ mind yOu, we don ? t sajeobut tīie MeQds of the admiiiistratlon g;xy so ; aud thisadiuiniBtratiou gefc6 $20,000 for doing a work whieh one man iuight do and foirly earn $5,000 ; .md jct thosc who pnjoy these partial sineeurcs, r'eonomi2e all ihe withont any exereiee af liberalitj, whieh in tlie ease of somc of thcm of indepcndent thcy might honorably exereisc to the estent of 6pending all the £alary vecei?ed from the cduntvy and he content ith the honpr it wlihout a priee, to be merely invest€d lis hondb\ Wo iceeive somcthing ovei $800,000 of reveuue loi thi Wennial period ; and we &<pend it all. No eurplus fot any good work. Now we ought to a littlo oitt of thatsuiu; atidof course, honorable, enlightaK 1, indcpcndent etatesmanliko ministcra, Kcekuig only the welfare of ihe oountry wonld Kgin »ith their «?alanes, and eut ihem down, or dock €ome of them altogether; and rhcn thcy might attick tue 4i army/ % anddielband it, (all eavo thc and afford the di&banded warriors an opportupity foī fur more pro£table eiaploymctit; and tb vmgh fhe whole govorgani;atton ; and trlm an 1 prune» reorganko and eeonomi e , 'hot \>e enili govcrn thls hiindful of people ou a more eeonomieal basis; and hnve perhaps $100,000 tobe espended liberally in iropioving our faeilities o! tnuisit, \nd in promoting iiulustrīal iiiteresl< \n gen--•ml HT Miss gw- . w.ued m<! plewnt » eteuuig.