Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 September 1873 — Native Talent [ARTICLE]

Native Talent

is aot wanfcicg of aufßcient merit and esperience to aid in the administration of the Govemment: and it would ap£ear to us simply a just and patr 10 tie measure that oue W' cated ?ons of the soil ehould aid His Majesty in the Cabinet. Will any one suppose for a moment tbat Judge Kapena and other Hawai|g|i gentīemeif like him are not as well, if not -betterj qual-' !!ied tha-n the present Ministry, to superintend departments whieh are mainly earried on by highly eompetent and esperieneed elerks ? No one wil) doubt the entire eompeteney of eertain llawaiians in our eommunitj for sueh duty, and therefbre we hope, not only beeause it wouid be just > but beeause it would be an interesting! reeognitian of tbe reality of Hawaiian enlighten-1 oientj to see native talent employed in the xe-'! \?pdn«ible offices the Government, !