Nuhou, Volume II, Number 18, 26 September 1873 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WALTER MURRAY CIBSOM, | and- PROP.Ki> i< h : ; ] <<Si:ED EVERY AM) FRIDAY j ; 1 cif ilie Nuhoi\ UhodtV building. ! varbimianu St,, where tho-e wishing the j , apcv will please leave their r. Price, j ■ ■ ins- per ropy. Two dollar-* per quarter j .* Twenty-six numbers j V limited inimK-v Advertisements will ; « received. Tile proprietor, not designing; ■ i< pubhVaiion a* a perrnanei t t i wspaper : . -hHs*V will not keep <nd insists; V i<r - in advance for subscriptions and .. his printers every Re«jdrnr#> at thr Hawaiian Hot eh ■ i