Nuhou, Volume II, Number 19, 30 September 1873 — Hope. [ARTICLE]


i. «Jau ilead birc!s ii:nieed be \voli<';n - To the lifc of scng onee uior';' ? ■' 'an j]owers tb;ir ycu have brolv:a Their woatcJ bloom restore ? Can the soft winds ever fo!d us ; Where no.chillii)g storms may : 1 fhe sanshinc ever hold tis SafeJy Jroni the threaieDing night ? •r • .. n, ■ Will the vanished c!reains of ohiUlliooil Cluster round us onee again ?— Will the shado\vs on ilie \vild wocd Mark where hetter years have Ur*n : Will the o!d days ever meet us Witli tlieir iaee of roguish piay : j Wi!l 011 r dead hopes eome tp greet u* ; īn some !ater and hetter day ?. . /. ■ i». Ah : they wiii i ior songs c«f sadnes«? ■Master not our passii3g lieurs ; We have wUhin a sprmg of g!adnc*,< That wakes anew flowere. I Though the siill handl do līe humbly On a dear one ? s pulseless breast. >till we strive, and wateh not dumb!y.— Fear jjoughtj and do our best.