The Liberal, Volume I, Number 48, 25 February 1893 — The New Home Rule Bill. [ARTICLE]

The New Home Rule Bill.

I The honoe rule hiH «hieh Mr. I Gladstone wiH present to t! »i> comiag j session Ui|fers in various ii3ateriai | respectsfrotn the bill of 1856, p v,&* |to be expwte<l. It ha* rtoubUess beou frame<l t» ; -,uit - hangedt eon<iitions, to diiirerenre, arul ospeoi;itly -to cou<oUdatt r if sibUf, ttKr \v;H"fring- «mi iln t 'ortain I eloi.icut.-s of whū-h tiie I majority l> in p tr t u}i. An a.'ilen-iH-o froui teg-is-j lutiou previou>:ly attpuipte<|i con*ista ! in <lio provnion fnr t\vo I)rahehes ( I au uppt'r it iowor hou,s<j> «!>{ the lrish P:itlianiont soiut what aftor ihe Anjerii , an..plan- t jt i? prt>}na«wl that ti.e bpper h« )U ,e >ha!l ooiiskt.of 103 mem{H'rs, <evpnty-ftve to he'ehoaen jin eleftorHl distrk : for five aād ten | .vear term>, so that us nou!r as may j be lialf of (his nmuber uhlll go ou.t j of every fifth year, anii tWenty- { eight to i>e Irish repreM«riU»tiLvt» peery j whose plaee» ai the end oi twenty j years sha!l he fllled hy etectiou. The | iower branch or Houae of Commons ' is to con&ist of 204 members to :be eiected by the people, 103 of whom may vote on qoeBtions reserved for conaideration by the Itnperial Pariiament. The Irish peers of the upper house roay al.«o &lt in the Mouae of lx>r*K Other ehanges in the i»īU pro4de , that the lmperlal Gk>vernmēnt «hall * have control of !and legislatlon for a period ot ftve years; tliat the judieiary »haii remain for five years under impeiial eoatcol t aa<l that a» cusk>ms and exei«e duties be «pplied to frish eharges, and the excess, it any, go to the 'puNle revenue s out of .whieh no appropriation may be voted exeepting by iuiperial cansent. ! One featare of the hill ti|at will be whoiiy aeceptable <o the Tri«h people ia the large reduetions made in th«> annual contributiou of Ireiand to sbe support of the geoeral governoaent. • j Whether Mr. <iladdtone will be abie to pass thls meaMur<j wifeh the aarrow majority on whieh he ha-; to depend i-* extremeiy doubtfu). There are ho many detail» upon whichendiew debate may ensue f and araong the UnionM* |a? weii a* Torie« there i» so mnoh s|cepticism as to the efttcacy of any me:isure for pattini? the home fule prlrjciple into salutar>' and effective pmiu'ee, that its success is prob!ematkial. The measure h probably the U'Bt„ how* . ever, that ha* ever ?x?ea and to secure itn adopt(on ( proaiises to th» su{>mx»e k«3"ori ol Mr, Giad-jione'o liie. —*> FoSfc.*' - - .. . J It i.-> vury obligiug uf Joha iiuii aot u> insiat on oi>eningj'Jynainite guna on llouoluiu. Johu-jH iiKKieratiou is due altogether to hji< povert>' of materi»l thert. It was dlfferent at Aiexandria, ; There he . kād inU>r(»gtz~'dyMmU*> on uu&rmed peopie was pour«d forth wlihoul • heeiuiiion. &e&kies» were no c»pposing gunboafs in .Uexan>iri* Uay. Thett- i- an war iu thv ueighboraooti Hawaii. —' i €hkago llemid. : ' i Thi* country *bouM iaki^ i be-au?tj- it-* ■ <a? fo : the faturf an-1 ,!! b '?ij?y n r !?i,e I n?j>oWi'\—f<rhicsi{fo TrH>un*.'" l-. — 1 t Happiiy ior mankiml, tbt\ :, f»ture saf«ty and dignlty t.f'fho rPi-übliY M do not deiHiu=! i\ <*.' Psīyn«}»tiī W n rpmm 1 TV>»> njinn th»~- *trspfV? ūTitl^7,ā' tioni«>t9 fn thH ronntry whw incfs!ft? in sach yawfw a* tiie ahpve. The . OKaoeiaik ptrty 1« fibe fot«re ?Af«ty «od tite r^Wlci m s*bjirge. — Tli .^M : :, ~ ,4'jm