The Liberal, Volume I, Number 48, 25 February 1893 — Dry But In England [ARTICLE]

Dry But In England

!'r r ' <, t Lou'L :i • * ' "<-• L'j " f i,, iL...; --n-.a i, f ' . 4 * a.! ' j :. .N *V* ! - * .Vc ■

ihe iiiukiiiniea oi ixi imuāuieiii cf oue sarl iiaJjuu>Oier» i3uo,oo<J,ō\Ju have be©n piilaged from $be inast able lo be«r the ioss. CotnpajtHij to tho acnou'nt involvecl > h\ the liU.-rator B«tildtoff Society; «hieh bas wttxkeā lamUlee and tnstHal!oca, the Pan&ma aaoe total is a mere As ia tbe Panama case, of ParHameat figure « , on3p:cuoti i <ly Ttee Libe»tor Society acduc«! the multitade by th€ plaasibillty of its assQranee9, Ia whleh the wage earoer aod proletaire of ali kiads aud eōa* (Uliooa were to eojoy the usafruet osuaUy seiz<ed by the apoeuhk r md capitalist. Curiously euough. \yhUe the r«verend critio deuouute» t&e crime, he forbears evea hiutiōg &t ' the criminals. From thls reticenco i—a reticeoce abo observed by the presb—it may be infermi that arl«- » tocrat3 of iDflue»ee are involved Ia l the raseaJity, anā therefore Uie a£faic wiU be permitted to die out, tfa« impoverished pockeliDg their wrongs with their losses, aail the guilty eseapiog unscathed, That'd the differ* euee betweeu a state ruied by the peopie a»a-a atate governed by ciasses. Such iniquity in lnperiis the stability of the r<ipublic. in England it wili be forgotton iu a fewdays. -

] iuilk o£ human kinrin<MMt i wouia Ue a good richer if it I waoa'i; £kimm&l m oltea. $ Whipj»er,—l Uoa'l couai>ier Eagi iiāhiuee t<> be ttefcirly sut-h yad fei- | lowa a* thty mijghi be, i Sa&pp@r.—2?o, iuUeed. Xijey aiīght