Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

£arfl$ H. F. BERTELMAXX. tt N rPA T0I1 AND BTTLDE3s. 8j Kip." St., Bell Telepbone 10?. HAKKlh’ON BR()S : • O'fTKA(.T0BS AXD BLTLDKRS. 20iS F*.r* St., Honololii. THO AS LIXDSAY. rin<j inul M ntch /,‘uket\ Mcluerny 4fi.> Fort St., Honohiln. M KRCHAKT S EXCHAXGE. S. I. SHA\V, FkopiiinoK ( CJJOĪCK UQl 'ORS aud F/t\£ BI : .ER, Coruer uf Kiog an<1 Kuuanu Sts., Muiaal lel. 42U. Houoluln, G.W 1AGFARLANE i 80., I m (X)rters & Com m ission MERCHA\TS, Honolulu, - Hawoi .in Islam1s Wing Mow Chan, nirOI*.TERS AM) Commission Merchants DF.ALF.RS LN — China and Japan Tea. Provisions. Manila Cigars. GROCERIES, SILKS, MATTIXG, Camphor T\ oenl Trunks, Rattun Cbairs. etc.. etc. .104 King St.. Honoluln. P () Box No. 180, Mntual Tel. No! 78.’ H. MAY & Tea Oealers, Coffee Roaster8 Provision Merchants 98 Fort Streot, - Houolulu I'amilieu. Pl:īututiuns auJ 8hips supplieil witb ciioicest hKrojten)) <V .1 meeiean Grornries California Pro<lnce by Everv Steamer. Chas. T. Gulick notary public For the IsUdiI of Oaiin, Agent to Take A<*lvnowle<lgments J to Labor Contracts. Ageut to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honoluin. Oahn. Ageut for the Haw’n Lslsnds of Pitt iV S ott's Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Barlington Route. Real Estats Brsier anlteral Afest. 1 Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT 8treet, Honolulu, H. 1. ii