Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

L. H. DEE. iobb«r of Wm, S[)in‘t v s aml IWi\ HOTEL ST., BeUe«Q Fort an-l Streets I Anchor Saloon, SOlTH£L\8T Comer of King & Nuuanu Sts. THE Finest Brands

OP Wines & Liquors hot lunch daily Pkoih 11:30 n.m. to 1:30 p.ni. w. M. CUNN1NGHAM, Manaoek JUST ARRIVED, 3 3 q Baby Carriages OF ALL STYI.ES, Carpets, Kugs, MaN IX THE LATEST PATTERXb. “HOUSEHOLD' Sewing Machines Haxd Sewixo Machixes, t3T AD Wjth tb« L*tcst Ito(>rc>T«menu‘*’- J PARLOR Organs, Gruitars, Aml Otbrr Uuial Iminamiu. Wines, Liquors, Bec: ALWATS 0X HAXD, AX*D* POK 8ALE BT ED. H0FF8CHUBGEB ( ea Ki»K 8».. opf« CmxU A Cooke'«

HO YEN KEE * CO , Tin-smiths umI dta)en in Cro>*Very w*re, Glaa8ware, eie W«ter Pipes L*id and Repaircd, X«k1t Esee«icrf. No. 41 Naoaou St., bet*o«. i Kicg an-1 Holel Streete. Aaeo Bui)ding. AGENTS FOR Mtrrlees, Watson <ft Co., Sa9(iaa<i 8trwt lrat Wo»h. Leeii* Joho Fowler Co.. (Leeds . 1 S(caaB PVr* «sd Luoo®>'.: Wcrt«, LmI».