Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 15, 4 October 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HawamHolomua n fmLwmn) EVERY AFTERNOON EICETT KOUAI BT THK Holoana PublishiiigCo« At Kmg St (Thom*e block), Honololiu H. 1. 8TJBSCSIPTI02ī, pwKookh, 50 0U. i* the Th* p»p*r ■ iWnwKl t»f Kn ud nbubi. 8tadl 0*to 1at tke N«vs OMlen m tf OOea o< yebtieeboe. ABRAHAM FERHANOEZ, ■ Manq9f EDMU*D N0RRt£, ■ ■ Edhor NOTTCE. > lli»Tfl to Abi*hm BoaohO*. H. I. . C«nMpo»teim ud ComBtBMo*tKMks for pihii.iiion *boiild be eddieeed to tbo Bdllor Hmui Huiomn*. No notlo* will be pnid lo *ay *n.')iiTnio«» < Mu *iuti €»rdf A. P. PETERSON, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. OAc«: 113 Kn»bnni*nn Str«ot. Honolnln Hnw*it*u I*l«nd8. CHARLE8 €BEIGHTON, ATTOBNEI AT LAW. OMoe: 113 K**bnm*ca Stre«t, Honolnln H«w*ii*n I*l«nd* CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, attokney axd counbeux>r at LAW. OAee; 0)d C*pitol BaildinR. (Honolnln Hoir), *aioiDing 1W Offioe, Honoluln. A. ROSA, ATTORXEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaaliumanu St., Honolulo, Hawaiian JUlanda. PAUL NEUMAN. ATTURNKY' AT LAW. 814 MeroWnt Street, Honolalu, Muiual Telepboue 415. J. M. DAVIDSON, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. 306 Mercbant St., Offioe (Mutual) Tel. 180, Residence 67. 8. K. KA-NE, ATTOEXEY AT LAW. Office: Corner Kmg and Bethel i»treets. np-stnirs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOIiXEY AT l.AW, Office. corner King A Bt‘thel Sts, Wing Mow Chan, tMI*OBTKRS AKP - Commission Merchants DKALKKS IX ani iapan Tea. Provisioos, Maniia Cigars. GROCERIES, 8ULK8. MATTING. Campbor Wood Tranks, Kattan Ohaiia. eto., etc. 904 Kmg St. Honolulu, P. O. Box No. 190. Mutual Tel. No. 78.