Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 19, 9 October 1893 — The Last Kick. [ARTICLE]

The Last Kick.

• ’Thert* is« » ramorout that tbe ProTisional OowimmI has bwa fAB'itlwing s ch*us« in it- 4 title i lo that of the Ot»Ternment of the ! Ha«raitan Commonw<*lth. So savs the St*rr. bo is to be L~nl Hi)ih Piotector ? Will 'īi be Soper ! hy not t- n>tn* well le.i 1 his "Ironsūies. S<>per h»s his When (') onee this is *n aecoraplisheil f*ct, we presurae the "ev ning Scintillator’ will escbew annex.»tion *nd depi»rtation, an«l «lem*n«l that Liliuoknlani ehall l*e tre*ted in i tbe same raanner as Charles I. | Histon- will repe*t itself *nd*fter * brief sojonrn *moug the saints the “Comnu*nwealth will pivo wav to the Monarebv »s did the I I Dietatorship of Cromwell. i —