Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 29, 21 October 1893 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LEWIS k Co. \fcholesale and Retail 6rocers XX D IPR0VISI0X DEALERS. FR£SH CAUFORNU SALMOS ONIC8 By Et«tt S*c Pnaeāew SALT SAUlOX IX BxK&£L8 X SrECIXLTY. iii l'ert St., Henelnlm, Tel. 140. P. O. Bex *p7. W. S. LUCE 53 5 S Wine and Spirit Mei'ehani CampbeU F*rt-proof Hloek, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLI LU H. MAY & CD., Tca Oealers, Coffee Roastcrs 0 Provi«ion Merchante 98 Fort Street. - Houoluiu FamiIios, Plantatious aml Ships aupplieil with choicest Eu roj)ea n tC* .4 meiiea »< rwen« CaIifornia Pnnlaoe bv Even Steamer. Long Branch BATHING Estabiishment. j ______ This Firet-class Bathmg Resort bas been eularge«i au<l is now open to the pnhlie. It is the best plaoe on the Lslands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaoe to lay otf. Special aeeemmodations for Ladies. Tramoare pass the door even* half bour an«i on Satnrd«ys and Snndays every fifteen minutes. JAMES SHERWOOO Proprietor. NATI0NALIR0N WQRKS, QrrF.\ Stp.eet. Between Alakea A* ILiohanl Sts. THF. UXPERSI<»VEI> *f* prrpu»i to m»kr «U kiad» c4 Inu B(im, llioaie, Snr Tio *d«1 Lr*d C««tinK'. Aiao * Gaml Krnir 8bop for Su*m Ea«tBn. Hm MilK Con> MiU», 'V»ur Wh*et», Wiod MilK Hr. Mmehinw iar the Oakīok o# CodW. Ca«to* Oih, Boik, H>bi«. 8i>al, Pio*pple Um k <Ahtr FHar>n« Fl*oU, Aad Paper aioek Alao MaehinM for Eitiv(ic( St«rch (raa the Manioe. Ano* Bool, ete CT Ail Orders pmepil; tttndni to. WHITE, RIT1IAN « CO. WING WO A C0.. Manufactnrer» aml Dealere ia Ladies , Gents’ k Cbildren'a Boot$,$|oe^(jiiite$ So. 35, |W| Honolola. Nauanu 0. Box 198 Boots and Shoee made to brd«r in Beet Stvle. at Wholeaale and Ueinii Priees.