Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 39, 2 November 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

OHEAP FUEL i A l<_r*‘i'ol>a 1m rew ooe 1 $9.00 per Cord Oeiivered. JN0. F. COLBURN a C0. She ('«rrM - tetl HU First tiraiumar. Jack Askiu —Will you marry me? Miss Bean of (Bostv r Say “shttll’ pleu.se— ‘‘wijl i> : or sentiment.you remembe >itall for fact. A o! — Juthjf. Long" Branch. BATHING Establish ment. This First-class Bathing Kesort has been enlargeil anel - uuw to tho public. It i'' liio best plaee on the islands t< a bath and there is uo 'y t.*r plaee to lay otf. Special a aimodatious for Ladies. Xr:i!i ars pass the door every half ho nd on Saturdays aud Sundays every fifteen miuutes. JAMES SHERW00D Proprietor. HN last En§ra»roment Youug woman (to naval offic rl —“What was the last engagenient that you wero in, lieulenant?-' Lieutenant (frankly)—“Oh. with a Chicago girl.' — Puek. Theo. P. Sevekiv. A. W. Eol.ster. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, 467 Xccaxt Stkeet, Hosotrto, (Oppo. Qnevn Euima Hall». Views ot’ tlie IsUmcl Con>tantly on Hau-i, sucb a-s N’atires Making Poi, Ora,s House» Hul&hula Dancere, Cocoannt <»roTe» Street Views »nd Ha»aiian Style Riding 13nildiugs, Palm and Date GroTe» \Var Vf>sels, Shipping «nd Maiioe V ieTrs. Alao. a Large Collectioa of ail Prominent aud Interv»sing View»of the Hawauan Ish»nd.4 cither monnt«<l or nnmonnted. Amasenr Work Solicited. P.O. Box 4S8 »ry I>ear U Him. Lecturer: ‘Wbat is d«arer to a man tban his wife?* Benedict: ‘Ker dre.«ses' 1 Change of Heart. He loved the ground she walked upon, Whiie they were yonng and yet asnnder, Thev married, tioarrelled, she died, and theu He loved the ground tbat she was under.