Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 40, 3 November 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

| CHEAP FUEL Fii A1 *rol >a Firewood $9.00 per Cord 0e!lver«d. JNO. F. COLBUKN t v CO. «35 3iu Long Brancli BATHING Establishment. Tbi> First-cl«ss Bathmg Ro>ort has been enlarged aml is now opeu to the poolie. It is the best plaee on tbe islands to enjoy a batb and tbere is uo better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeommodations for La»lies. Tramcars pass tbe door every balf bourand on SaturdHvs and Snndays every tifteen minutes. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. Theo. P. Skvkri' , A. W. Eou«ter. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, •W7 SlTAXC STEEET, HoKOU'U', (Oppo. Qneen Eniina Hall). Views ot' tlie īsland Constantly on Haiul, snch as Xatives Making Poi, Grass Honses Hnlaknla Dancers, Cocoannt Groves Street Views and Hawaiian Style Riding Bnili'.ings, Pulm and Date Groves War Vessels, Shipping*aud Manne Views. Also, a Large Colltction of all Pniminenl and Interesting Views of the Hawaiian Islands eitker monnted or nnmonnted. Amalenr Work S«licited. P.O. Box 49S, TO-NIGHT ! WE T11ERE THE ARLINGT0N I3illiarcl P’ailoi^ Uotel Street, ilonolnlo. WILL OPKN THIS EVEN1NG KVERYBODY WELGOME White & Hopkina, Proprietor«, SANS S0UCI HOĪEL WAIKIKI, IIONOLOLU. - Fii«t-Class Accommodation fi Tounsts and Lsiand Guests. SUPER!0R BATHING FaCIUT/ES, Pnvate Cottages for Familie T. A. S1MPS0N, oct9 Manager. L. H. DEE, Jobber of Wmi Spirils aoil Beers HOTEL ST., Between Fort and Betbel StreeU.