Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 November 1893 — New Steamship Line. [ARTICLE]

New Steamship Line.

JAPA.\ NOW HAS 1>IKECT COMMUSTCATIOX WITH nroiA. Vancoaver (B. C.), Oct. 24.— The Ynsen Kaisha. the J tpanese Steamship Company, has estahlisbe«l a line of steainers between Japan and India. The steamers will sail from Kobe every three weeks. The Hiroshima Mara, the pioneer vessel, is to leave on November 7th, Borabay being the Imlian port. Several bank officia!s bave been sent to the United States and India by the Govermnent to iuvestigate the stlver qnestiou. Tbe deputation to India bas already Ieft; that to the United : Stntea was to ieave on the City of Peking on October 14tb.