Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 41, 4 November 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

GHAS. GIRDLER, Importer an<l Commlssion Merchant. 8PECL\LTIES: J. ± P. Co*U’ Maehiuo Threa<> Jonas Brocks’ M&ehine Threfc<! Bari>onr’s Liuen Tbread Pe*rs’ So»p P. O. Box 368. Mnlnal Te!ey Lone ilōO» 13 Kaahnoiann 8treet. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-class Bathing Resort 1 has been eularged and is now open to the puolie. It is tho . best piaee on tbe isiands to enjoy a bath and there is no better ! i plaee to lay otf Special aeeom- ’ 1 mo<latioQs for Ladies. Tr.au»carH pass the door even' b»lf bo<*r and on SatardHys and Sandays every fifteen miuates. JAMES SHERWOOD Proprietor. J A. ROSA, l f ATTOR.VEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahamann St., Honolula Hawaiian Islands.