Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 50, 15 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


; This is a w«k of Band Concens. ! The Board of Heahh. wrholding , a meeting tbis afternoon. ) The Hawaiian N.itional Band al : ?"ins S-'.uci on Saturd«y eveaing. * rr» | j ; The poliee made a seizupe of 1 twentv-seven tins of opium on . i board of oue of the loeal stearaers * ■ vesterdav afternoon. > ’ ‘ The Kona storm whieh has ; ; been brewing for the past few j j | days. has set in. Lookout for J * ! three davs of bad weather. M , H. B. M. S. Ohampion, frora ‘ Esquimault en route to the i M est Coast of Sonth America is - I expected to arrive here within I the next few davs. — 1 I Remember that the Hawaiian National Band gives a concert at j .the Hawaiian Hotel to-morrow | evening. So do not make any 1 other engageraent. 1 ; The Poliee department seems to be making the opinm seizures j now-a-da\s. Where are the Custom anthorities? Moie money iu leaving the stuffalone perhaps. t If the thnnder whieh was a “few’’ miles off yesterday, was the canse of the caving in of a portion of the earth on Brewer’s i wharf, what will be the resuit, when the uext attempt to b!ow up that coral bed takes plaee? > J fhe vicfnity of Brewers wharf l presents an animated appeamnee \ now-a-days. On shore are the car- ’ penters and wnrkmen attending to * the work in tlieir department, J while close at hand in the bay are ? tlie dredger, and the pile driver J “Pet,” at the.is resi>tctive duties. . » _________ The Lougee brothers are still J continuiug their exanripation of . the huli of the steauier Miowera. So far, the damage fo»nd is notof great extent. A coffer-dnm will be placed under the 8 t ern «>f the steamer, after whieh wcrk ofrepairing wi!l be commenced. \ The following persons Ieft the ; city yesterday by the loeal steamers, for Maui:—C H Eldredge, F S £)odge. Mrs MeKenzie, MrLarnach, Miss f!M Brash, , Ah Young. Lan Chock, Bro G Bertr»m. John U Iosepa. J A 1 Rotlanet aml S Matsnmura. For the Yo1chdo: — W Peak. For Hilo and way ports:--T P « Severin, CV E Dove, A Hood, r R©v E Lewis, P McCrea, Capt W ’ Matson and wife. }Rt Rev Lonl Bishop of Honolnlu, Theo H Davies and son. Rev E P Baker and wife. and C M White. I For Kauai:—MissJSmith. PN [ la Vergne. Lau Chong, E R Hendiy, Miss K McGrew aml Mrs Van VIiet. i