Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 53, 18 November 1893 — HAH! HAH! HAH! [ARTICLE]


A rej>-rter w ’uo wilfully and purpo=e’.y fa!*efies the iaugaage of a dip!omatic repre?entative des€rves to be brandrd as unworthy of public credence." (P. C. A. N*.iv. 1 S). ‘ The British Minister is said to have offered to join in the protection of property, by calling for m irine» tr,»m the British war ve#sel in port, bui the offer w»s oeclined as unnecessary.” (P. C. A. Xov. 17). I hey e.m disguise theiiiselves. they ean Jye their whiskers, they ean eall themselves by all names —these missionaries, the cloven hoot oflhe liar is there.