Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 December 1893 — SCIENTIFIC FACTS. [ARTICLE]


Scientists say tbat if the bed of the Pacific Oeean eoukl be seen, it woukl disclose to view several mountains with truucated tops scattered over it. These mountains would be perfectly bare at their base, and all around their tops they woukl be cwered with beantiful vegetation of coral polypi. An Englisb medical jonrnal snggests that the aeiion of eleetricity on lead water-pipes may sufliciently impregnate the water with lead to cause poisoning Here is a ehanee for some experiments with a view to determining whether water is thus afiected or not nnder the conditions named. If it is, it might resnlt in cases of serious illness. tbe cause of whieh ordinarily would be difticult to detennine. It is reported that Prof. Hermann has succeeded in pholographing the vowel sounds by speaking ihem into a phonograph whieh produced them slowly. The vibrations were recorded by a microteiephone, whieh had a small mirror in the yibrating drum. A ray of light reflected from the mirror recorded its

vibratioDs —that is to s*y. tho vibrations of the n»wel soutuls—oa a traveiing of sensiti>eii p;iper.