Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 5 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Mirth. Music, Minstreb?y, and ion's Minsīrel And a Host of Volxmteers will appear in an Interesting Programine of Events, at the OLD ARMOKY, Qneen St., Wednesday Even!ng, - February 7th, In a Complimentary Benefit to Mr. JAMES PIGGOTT. PROGRAMME—PAHT I.

1. Openim? Chorus Messrs Hughes, Smith, Davis. Britton, Barnes antl Russell of the Ohainpion Minstrels. 2. Three Rounds Sparring Contest EIl\vood and Th>mpson. 3. Sailor’s Hompipe W. Russell 4. Siugle-stick Contest Filmer and Verrion. 5. Song and Dance W. Duncalf. 6. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Johnson and Coulstock. Intermission of 10 Minates—PART II. 7. Song aud Dance W. Russell 8. Three Rounds S[>arring Contest Langly and Sharkey. 9. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Duncalf aud Willett. 10. Sand Dance Unknown. 11. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Eallanl and Verrion. 12. Three Rounds Sparring Coatest Porter and Gurney. Music by the Champion Minstrels. Door Open at 7:30. Performance begin at 8 o’eloek General Admission, 50 Cents. Reserved Seats, 75 Cts.

{(amehamelia * —Will OPEN — Monday, February 12 AP£’LICATIONS For adniissi in shoukl be made iimnedi«tely, stating age and st>ncling of applieani to Principal. ja29 Iw !Tor Sale Apiece op yaluable Lmd situated on Nuaanu ivenue, two miles from to\vn, b - low Mr. Coit Uobron’s plaee, contaming 12 acres, partly G00D TAR0 LANŪ about 150 feet. on Nnnanu Avenue A small bouse on it : all fenced. A good iuvestment. No re«sonable figure refuaed. For further pirticulars, please apply to this office. jan i8-2wd pkional īpoh WoP^ QC£KN Street, Between Alakea & Richard Sts. THE USTiE3tSIGKED *re“-pTvpare<t to make eli kind* of Iroa Brass, Broazc, Z:nc, Tin *ud Le»d C»stings. Alao & Gener»I Rep.tir Sbop for Steatu Engines, Rice MiiU, Corn M.Us, W»ter Wboe!s, \Viud MilU, etc. M*cbines lor tbe Cleaniog »f Coffec, Ou>tor Oila, Beaos, Haii.ie, Sis»i, Pineapple Leares A otbex Pibmns PlauU, And P»per Stock a!»o Moehīnea for Estracting Starch fro*> the Msmoc, Anww Root, «e. AO Orlen» promptly <Utended to.’ AfHITE, RITMAN €i CO. Wl DilIE8, R1GGEB : akd : STEVEDORE EST1XATSS AXD COSTBACTS O.V ALL KCfDS OP WORK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, wia ron RgnUriy bctween tkis port »nd Wtitlas Kinhtpa, MoknLU, Keswenat •nd Koiki oa tbe ultBd o I Oahn Foc Frwjbt, oie, mppfj to tbe CspUin. Onm: : Fort Street.