Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 8 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THK, Provisiooal flovemment O FFICIAL LI6T 0F ME.M BERS AND LOCATION OF BCREVUS. ExEcmvE Corvcn.. of t*>e Prorl<inM»l ment of th« K i InUiirt», »n 1 )ltnl5ter nf Poeeien (f iir«. J. A. King. )fini<tpr *f the Tnterior. S. V. Ihn\n", 'Mnist«r <>f FtnHnce. W. O. !*raith, Attoraey-Genenii. Ai>visobt Corscn.. I h ! » 1 l C W. r. Wi!rter. Vlee fheslrtent of the Prorislon«! iloeemnienl of the HawaiUn I*Innrt.<. C. Botte. Oeeil Brn«m, John Nott, John En«. J«me< F Mors«n Frt. S hr. Jo«. P. Me"rtone«. Chns. T. Rodger<. CounciIs. John Kmmelnlh, E. ĪX Tennev. W F Allen. Henry W»terhon<e. A. Yonntt. F. M. H«tch, Secret*ry Er anrt Adv. Stpreme Cocht. Hon. A. F. Jnrtrt. Chi* f ln<tiee. Hon. R F. Blekert<*n, Fir<t * «oel«te Jn»tioe. “o». W. F. Fre r, S**eonrt A«oei»te Ja<tiee. «enrv Smit h , Chief CU*rk. Oeo. I.ue », De|uity Clert. C. F. Peters.on.See' nrt Depnty Clerk. J. Wa!ter Jones, Stenograpber. ClRCCIT JCDC.ES, Flr<t Cirenit; J* ££“£?*’{ O.hu S.'eonrt C*»enlt: (’Kn') \. V. Kepiiknl. Tt>'rrt»nrt F<>urth Cire it<- (H»w«tt)S. L, An*tln Fiftb Cireuit: (Kuuxi) J. H»rrty. OfTie-'< «nd Conrt-room in C*>urt Ilmi s», King <treet. SItting tn H >nn’>iln—The fir<t Mo*iday tu Febnu.ry, M*y. Aug';st «nd Sc veraber. DErAimiEST of Forjeujx AFr\IR.<. Oilioe in CxpltoI B*indl g. Klng str-*et. Hi* Exeell**'*cjr Sanforrt B. Do e, Mini»terof Koreign Aff»ir». Geo.C. Potter. Soer»t'ry. W. Hor*ce Wright, Uone! Hart, Clerk». D8PAKntS.VT0F IXTERIOROffiee in Executive Buiiding, Klug »treet. Hi» Exeel!cney J. A. King. M’ni<ter of tnterior. Chief Cler«. Joh > A. BaM n|i r Asslst«.)t Cler*cs- J imes H. lk>yrt. M. K Koohox«io;e. eiepheu Mahaulu, ’iieonie C. R'««, Edward S. B<*yd. Bcreac of A<5R:crLTCRS AXD Eore»try. Presidenl: Hi< Evcellenev t»e Mmister of lntertor. Wm. Q Irwln, AII<n Hert>ert, Johri En**, J «eph M r»deu, Cofa*itlsniouer «nd Seeretary. CHIEFt> OF BCREACS, iNIKHIoa DErARTJIEXT. Survevi-.r Oener*I. W. D. A’exmder. .-iipt. Pnhl e Work». W. E. Ro *. eli. Snpt. Water'V .rks. Andre«r Bro*.»n. Iuspeetor, E o**srie Ught«, John C*ssidy. Registr ,r • f C uvcy tnce». T. («. Thru.u’. Ro«d Siif*ervis.ir. H noln n, W H Cumral >g<. Chiei Encinerr Eire Dept.. J«». H. Il»nt. Supt. Iusane Asylum, Dr. A. JtcWayue. Dkf,«rti(kxt of Ejxaxcb. OiEee, Exeeutive Bulldlng. King »lreet, MlnL<ter of Elnanee, Hl» Eieeilene» S. M. D«mon. Anditor-<Jt*neraI, Gc 'rge J. R' s». Resistr r <>f Acecnnts, W. G. A»hiey. CIerk of Eliianoe Uflee, K. A. Meinerny. Col eetor-G-ncr«I of Cu.»tom, J ». B C«stie. T«x ,\.**»e»«>r. u :hu, J 'U». S*> w. Depnty T«x \»<e»» 'r. W. C. Weerton, P.Ktraa»t«-r-<Āeuer<l, J. Mort U*t, Crspj».< bcreac. O Bce, Custom Hou»-'. Esplinade, Fort »treet. Co«ieetnr-<iener >1, J ». B Ci»tle. D.-piity-Co .cct *r F. B. McSt e»er. *f rt»*r ■•> »ter, Ca:.t in A. F>ilier. Port S irvey<>r, M. s S,Tid-r». -tore»eep. ’r. G<s*rse C. Stn»temeyer. Dkpart*ext o» Attorxet-Gexx«*l1 Offiee in Exeentlve BniMing. King »treet. \tt>mey <terer«!. W. O. 3mitn. !)e|*ntj AtC**m-y.<ie,>er .1, K. WiMer. f1erk,J. M. Ke». Ma.-»c*ai, E. G. H;teheock. C1 rk to M r»b«l. H. X. Dow. I)eputy Mar»h«l. Art*inr 1. Kr wn. J«ilor U*hn Prisofi. J. A. Lo - . f“rl*>n Phr»lci.in. Dr. 4*. B. C . ;*er. Board of :««Ma.inox. Pr—hl-’nl, HJi Excellener J. A. Kicg. Merabcr of tne f->-r 1 ai Im ntgr*ti >a: J. B. Alhenm. J B. <' »!!e, Hor. A. i P «li ru, J«m« o. Spe>.!err, Marx P. R*>hii»on. irrtt ry, Wray T»ylor. Board or Hxalth. OS«iB gr >nrrt»«M Coart H» i<e Boilding, rora«r j| Miilual ao*l >dne.-n MneU. M»mber» Dr. D«t, Dr. Min-r. Dr. .\c*Lrew», J. T. Watvrbou*e Jr., John Ea». Theo. E. Laiuiai ac*i Atsoraey• <leueml Smith. Pre»i*!ent— *ioo. W. Oāmilh. Kxeentive Oaker—C. B. KeynoM». i3sseel0f« <1 a«n*cero< ij»ra»«< āenke—L. L L« Pierre. ! ,»!*ect t—G. W. C. Jorua». P rt Phy»w-i» , Dr. G. B. Andrews. 1)1*1» u*-rx, Dr M. W. HuwanL oeper SetUemedt, Dr- K. K. OUver. Boa*d op E»ccatios. Cnart Hoa« Bo!Idlng, K!ng *treet. «on. C K- Bf»iop. •eeprt«ry. W. J trr.es S nll *. a«p«ei r ot āehooU, A. T. AlkiuKm. Dutrict;Coc«t. Fo ir« St<lkm Bal)dlns. Merefc«nt »trc«t A. G. M. Bohrruos. kwhmia Aimh* A, Th >ia;won, c'.«r.