Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — HAWAIIAN Hardware Co [ARTICLE]

HAWAIIAN Hardware Co

M«rch 14. 18tH. Tbe Uot th«t bnt les» tb«a oee hanJreJ p«tent» h«T« been iseo«rl by tbo Hawmiun GoTemnwrat Joes not speak ToIomes for tbe inTent.Te «bility of tbe res;Jenls of tb:s eoantry. Nor ane all tbe patects to Haw«iuns. m>ny of them. j>erh*po a m*jority, «re merelv to people in lbe UaitoJ St«tes wbo icter*’Hta «1! over the worlJ. We b«Te bad a patent issned for the Jones Lncked Fence. bec.<nse we 5aw tL.vt :t w,’.s a gooJ tbing. anJ tbe people who bailJ fences beliereJ it the beet thing they baJ erer seen. Ceriiin parti;s bad m contempl«tion tbo manufactnre of tbe articles usetl in the LockeJ Fence, anJ we did not think tbat an imitati >n article woold be half as pood as tbe original, henee, tho pateut • on Hawaii. We hjtve been selling the Jōnes Locked Fence for a year and its ;s>puUnty is growing everv Jay. As an evidence of what the Fence is tbougl.t of by a gentleman who is lhorongbly well p>steJ iu cattle anJ fences we pnblisb the followiogletier; — ‘ Kapapala R»nch. K>u. Hawaii, Marcb 10, 1804. i E. R. HenJry. Esq., M*nager Hawaiian II irdware , Co., Honoluln. Do .r Sir: I bave jnst comp1eted >orae !tbree railes of tbe * Jones Loek ■ Fence” anJ inust asy th it I am i very mneh pleaseJ witb it. ir. fact *it is ihe fonce for a rancb. I h«J about a mile to constract ovor | “pah >eboe” wbere it was nearly i impossible to get a post Jowu, ami fonnd in tbis case, especi«lly, I the “Jones fence’’ was a grcat | >saving of bbor. Tbere aro plnees i in tbis Fence whero the posts aro at le«st 7.> foet apart anJ tbe space between filleJ in w;tb stags. Tbere is no sag to .* hi:J it is as spring>‘ a« a wire mattn*?.s. I am eonfiJent tbat it will turn *ny onlinan, stock. I bave sorae two anJ a ha!f miles more to constract ovor a coontry wbere witd cattld are very plenitful. I «nJ as soon as it has nadergone 1 the test there. will write yoa further. If it will tarn tho stock Ioo this part of tbe land, anJ I : feel confiJenl it will, yoa ean rest assanJ tbat it will turo mo*t ! anvtb:ug. except « Lava flow. Vory Tm!y Yoars, J. MONSARRAT. * * This sho>.i1d convince th« most I «kepiieal. if tbere «repeople who still Joabt. let thora eome to onr store «nd inspect • aampie. H! 83*33 HaHU! Cl. ■ 3C*7 Fort Street.