Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 March 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

C»e no ra 1 _-V <1 vert i sements 0R1HVA\ & PORTFR. . I Hav>» Jr>t I?fc» v» d. jtr I M« Ai - ll * I r?j»rt i*t« cl cf Fl*ll MH IiE Ever Iinj< rttii to tf i' Ct uttn C\*tr.j ri.'. i c Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sots In >*i«»litl < );»k. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TO Tti ESE s£Ts WICKER WA Beaut ful Des pns < f Wicker W»re, consist np of SOFAS, CUAlKS. KOCKEKs. etc.. you c»n u’ t t ; ' ia •• ny EINISlI vou Jesire. Coontle.ss numbers of CHAIKS. iu evcry style, inc)udiug OFFICE aml HIOH CHAIKS. HS73Z02T TABLZS, We bave ha»i a nunjber of calls for these Tubles, witb CHAIRS t * nialeh. We have now iu stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING R30M FURNITURE EVEU SEEN HEKESicleboards and -:- CIiiflbniers lu Grcat Variety, 13 I VA 3VT S n D.ran3 covered with POKTlEKS are beconiiug quito the rage in pl »ce n f I.OU v GES -wi* mMiiufacture them to onh r and havo a laige stock of POKTIEKS to sol*-ct from. I B3]Ti:iTTa Gro <t .\>sortinent of WOVEN IV IKE MATTRESSES - Sj>ring. H ir. , Moss, Wool aod Straw Muttr»"» > on haml and made to onler. 11VE GEFSK FEATHEKS iml SIEK FLOSS for PjI!..ws, CKIBS, CKADLES. etc. W lNDOW SHADES of all colors an.l si/ >. CORMCE POLES. in wood or br >s trioiming>. E IBIITCMattresses, Lounges :.n<l aii F}<holst«*red Fnrniture r. jmired at r<asonable r» tes. CABINEI MAKINO. in all its branehe>. bv ComvM’:»e: t\\ -rkcnen. MATT1NG LAiD »nd Int rior Decor ti g nnder the Sa»*en -oou of Mr. OEOKOE ORD\VAY. Our (,»»kh1s »re E rst Cbiss, and <>ur |>rices are t .e Io»< -t. Come and be o>nvinced—a tri l is s >lic ted. lh*ll 525. TELEPHOKEs: Mut al f»45 |ORDW AY PORTER. K ‘bii;>ou Biock. b»>tween Fortand Nuuanu AT THE CLUB STABLES. “CREOLE,“ 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23. 1893. t s ‘ [ » Pn>aip!-r. " 3<X' Pv •! < BalL 7* Dao.. hr Boevn-.. - 2.s>, Pr r..[ --o •W tfc- >»» •>( Ai«». •.">>; Tr»u..!, JrX : W*]fc*>r ; W /*®(t °t I ! n!iastiB», 2 17 *ed Tip.'r, "(. »m i' h M Uoek, ou h>r.d I vfcste >'*ol *B<1 «auUl »lnj» u («n. 1.0»X> pnne.U; la r»n «»vL*is. jrt,iV, * BT>xtr;c« «o-i • gxm- r»«te ’ »r**, W)5J *uo>; f r • tm:<r>i Ei»l»r «4 a-,.r— •' 1 t IH)|XAKS Pe’K THF. *v'.AS<)N, i* Uau# oI U>rv «•» la ito fortv-«2t to»na» *o-i }>Tv>Jucr.i fortjr-t«v e.u. »7-im 13. 11 DAVLS. |-(, E, 8( Bf^0 IMPORTEKS AND DEALEKS IX OixxM^ries, I > ix>\ision.s AXD 2Teed, EAST CORNEP. F0RTA KI.NO STS. New 6oods Rec'd By «very Packet from ibe Easlern Sutee aod Fre*h Califomia Prodoce by every *teamer. All orders fa lbfullv attende«I b>. aad Gunda «leliweml to any pm of tbe eit> FREE 0F CHAKGE. lalanel OrJars SjIiciUx1. S«t sf»eliou Goannt«ed. P.,»u UfB*f*» Box Xo. 145, Tt»lej ht«ie >»••. 98.