Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 70, 26 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CHEAV FURNITT7RE ! YIPTG FAT * Co, C©mfr of Kicg *cd Bcthe! Ste.. Hono'alo. OfEer i !arge a«»©Ho>ect of fioe d<*ir»b-e FUR MTU R K, vbicb tber wll tt a r*-n lov figon>. B*'d«te*d«. Boreao«, Me»t Safe« W»rdrube«. etc., »t prices U> M».t ovcrrb<HlT. C«ll «od for rooraelres. nur 12 VING FAT k CO. NJ|]ii-VU-^|l0p|iA JUST KECEIVEI) from JAI’AN Scvt rol Kiod of Cotton Crape, Utcst Styic of Shirts m diff«reDt qaalme». of porce!ain T«a Sots a Specialty Ja)>aDe«e Lanterns and many Cono« saiUble for CbrisUnas Good*. «II KING STU£CT, IIonvln!a. T«lrpbooM, Brll «74. P.O. Boi :w«. Ma(u«i 5(4. &ol3 Im Holiday Prcsents Tho aoderetgned beg leave to eall tbe attention to a large aaaortii>eut of UsU>ful nud ul«gant Je»rln', KUituble fur ClinatmaK l'U'M-liU. Hawaiiaii Fla £T in diHVrent si/AS. ! lawaiian J ewelry a apeoialty. 1! you want to buy an clegant and at th«* wme time an inoipensive Cbn>tin«s I‘resent. eall around aud ins]«ect m\ stock. TiiOS. L1NDSAY, Mvl -ruj liioek. Kort St.U»Mlahi <WI U Sans Souci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, UONOLULū. Firs{-C/ass Aeeommoeaiions for Tourists and /s/and Guests SUPERIOR BāTHI*C FAC/Lims. Prhtft Cott9pn for FtmifmS. X. ▲. SUrP80N. oet9 Mana|«r