Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CHEAP FURNITURE ! YIĪTG F4T & Ge. Comer rf Kirg ?nd Bethel Hoiiolalo, Offer a L 0 o aFsorttnect of fine aud dtbirable furmture, whioh thcy sell at a very low figcre. Be<lstef.ds, Boreans, Mest Safes. W*ardrobe8. etc., at prices to sn<t eveiybcdy. Call and icspect for yoorselves. mar 12 VING FAT A CO. WA|i-VU-^0^A JUST RECEIVED from JAPAN Soveral Kind of Cotton Crape," Latest Style of Shlrt8 in different qaahties. \{ml of porce!ain Tea Sets a Specialty Lantems and many Curios suitable for Christraas Goods.' 411 KING tjTEEET, Honola'u. Telrj<bones, Pfll 474. 1*.0. Boi r?«6. Mutnal 544. q.>13 Im Holiday Presents The uudersigned beg leave to eall Iho atteution to a Iarge as8ortment of tnsteful aud elepanl JewelTy, suituble for Christmas Presents. Hawaiian' FlaLr IMns in different sizes. Hawaiian Jewelry a epeeialh*. If you wnut to boy an elegant and at tho same time an meipensive Christmas Presont, eall aroond and inspect my slock. THOS. LINDSAY, MoIn>’my Ploek, Fort 6t.Honolala decl U Sans Snnci HŪTEL, WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. Flrsf~C/ass Aeeommooai/ons for Tourisfs and /sland Guesfs, SUPERIOR BATH/NG FAClLmES. j| Pr'rY3te Cottages for FamilkS. A. SJLMPBOS, lUaagw.