Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

TKr5TEE> >'OTICTL All Itavi*g elaima: .ip:*ins{ S«s‘l K Kama*U\ ami ilu-i, ī.ll-.m i’meoi K\mak_\i\c{ li n. ialu. 0>La <re req..e-ite»l to present ti;em tu the onilers.gTied before the 3lst «3ay cf M;trch. 1504 Ail rents dae lbe part;e8 above meatīoned mnst be paul at onee io me penomih. ABRAHAli fernandez. Tr ustee. AHl'XG Co. \ Xctj»n.‘ ?Wī:tT. H.’: > P'>vV. O, •' OrErv L«ivi H*\U Huooialu. AI.\Rt>E \SS»'KTMFNT <-f l>ix V ™U, C> .-iww, ek; hs, Brai'ls, <’nltoas It5tna»isgv. s£\v r\rr rn p »n<i VT V*. 3LuCU-a* THE WELL KN’OWN’ T H 0R0 UGHBRED RUXN'1XG STALLIOX ‘*Dnke Spencer“ Wiil St.rml tl;o Sois n «t tl)0 stnbb > < t A. J. CART\VRUlirr. EnL . Makiki. Fee. F fty Do'l rs; p*y.‘ble nt t m * t st rv;ce. c .reb»keu of M.-uvs; not rosp ns;ble f.»r ne-ei-,1 tits. — Duke Spenc*T i> >y; hoioM. fifteeu an « t lee q»aiter 1 |»amU; of them»st gei;tle «lispos>tiuu. «rr r 10 7horoughbred D0GS for Sale TriE ENGL1SH SETTER ** Honolulu Breil nt tiie Glenmore Kcnae’s, stou<‘, tl<f <>nl_v <i'..'"c;htrr oa tl<v j C<ci >t of Chriii.j)IoM c< 1 *.slo*<v (II-»*: fp*<ll Z<rll, (3,StU*.; l»v D.m, t.',3o6J, lruai Cu..mpion l‘e;r l, !S,f‘7]. THE P0INTER * LJouolulnDake/ (30,853), i>re«l nt tlio Siinlib m.i Keuncis, Ott \va, l’I. hy ī>evoD«hir»’ S n. <7.S4.“r; fn»m Shiiri«, (3,283). The I>'tu of Hon I'iln b by ! *ck; froui Belle D. by Triukett'i» 15.iui», (4,117). Honoinlu Dr.ko is thoronghIy br ku ou plie*s:iiit«. with st *unci> I jio nts— >M :til->] y «i g. F *r furtlier p.irticulurs apply to or ailtiress W. M. CUN1M1NGHAJV!, mur 10 Axchob S.\loon. C.T\ AKAX'A F|Bī 1 ci] : ar|fc Īailūī! 321 Nunaūu Stxeet — ATl Saits Guarante«d To Fit nn 1 in tho Late&t Styie. Clothcs eieaneil aml Hepaiieel. uo!7 WM. DAVIES, I v i Lrirer, Stevedort> and AVrecker. E3TIM AT£S \ND CONTR.\CTS ON ALL KtND3 OF WOKK. Tbe ?c oooaer MAHIMAHI. «rill nm betirei>n ihis port an<l \Vaialja. K .w.iili «poi. MoknWia. Kta<raui »u i Kmki >11 tbe :>Uu>r of <>ahs Fur etc , aj»v>iy to tbe L’apiain. Best of References—īnqnire at 0;īlcr of J. S. Walker. cver Spreck«-ls’ Bauk, or WrighkBrc« Furt Stroet. dec I6-tij POl'N D MASTERS XOTICS. Notire » h«n;S T --»*u tx> ali perst>n». thak ih«e i> .>t tb« Gov»rui> eDt Fūnu>i at Ma< k>ki, uue »trure<i civ.iai bctse. lorg w..ne ■«t>»t oo #i»i>ntbe«i, f»«t «t« wiiile br,ta_»<l F on rghf hlud Wg, f.*e-fe»t <.jv hLmI. Auy peMon »r is»iu» ow.ntg thia bon«f «n» m|«nitr*( t>> eo i« ai d t »ke the «*im ob »»r (vf)r» I? •■’eknk u<xa 8ATUKDAY, AJ*»1L. 7tK IS94. JAML8 KL'KONA, _ . Poaaa KwMI MuhilK, War, 87, 199*