Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 76, 2 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LABOR BOR£AU. THE AMEP.K’AN' I.EAOEEBegs lcave to annonnee that it has estabiislicd an Eraploj-ment Burem iu eonneelion with the Araeriean League. We will be pleased to furmsh you with skilIed or unskilled labor without any fee for the engaging snch labor. The labor euro!led with us is of the followiug nationalities: American, Portuguese, Hawaiian, Gerraan, And other European Nationalities Begging leave to open a correspondence vrith you on this subject, We remaiu, Your obedient servauts, The Akerican* Leaoue E.hplovMEXT Bl*REAU. Addressall corara'.nications to THEO. P. SEYERIN, Secretary. mar 2S—tf. P. O. Box d98. WiNll WO \ C0. Xo. Nnnann Street, Henolalu Cof*f*ISS!Ofl ly IN’olieeDnring rnr absence from this KintrJom, mr brother LEE POI of the F»rm of Snn Yee Hop I.nng Kee at Waūuiae, Oaku, sholl act for me with fcll pover o( Attorney. KWAI YOEK Of Waianae, Oahn. Mar. 5th, 1594. mar 6-1 mo F0R SALE. COLTS AND FILLIES by “NnOEOUE' 2.22 ont <A snch mares as ••8Jky” 2.28 liial 2.14. “Peele" 2.36. “HaUoween” dam o( "Miss HaUoveea” 2.24, an i *Santa Boea' 2.21, “īamkle’’ “L*dy Poareis ’ an<i ovhtT good mares, alao. “Dropper” pnpoiea, (cxoss betareen Setter and Fomter', thoronghbred on botfa »ides. B!ae Feiton Englisfa Setter Bttcfa “Minnie Nohie.” a pnne vrnoer in bench and fieid, steady and sUanch. No man has a beOrr tfaorongfabrod. Jersey Bnil, by “Cui Kmg” ont o( “Je*sey Liilie,’ registered. 3 mileh Co«s. For fnrtfa«T parricnUrs, APTLT to A. J. CABTWEIGHT. M«r 15-H. H. E. McINTYRE <fc BRO., Gbocebt, Feed Stobe & Bakebt, Cornor o£ . • ** King tod Fort Sta,. Hoaolulu.