Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 76, 2 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Ti»e Amerioac Leagae are holdI .ng daiiy meetings. The Scbectzen clab are adding dai!y to tbeir membersbip. Lions and R‘iis laid down togetber at Sans Souci yesterday. — The C. A. steamer Arawa, from the Colonies ? arrived and sailed . yesterday. TVind ligbt N. E., sky clondy, i we itber “mnggy f ” thermometer ; S6 degrees. Tbere is, presomably, good rea1 son f r tbe p. g.’s to protect tbemselves. It is reported tbat anotber military magnate bas his eye cast Coastwards. Grass is plentif«l in some of tbe sidewalks of tbe main streets : of tbe town. Sanday sen ices were held in al! tlie churches yesterday with j g >od attendances. The steamer Monowai is dne , here from the Colonies on next ; Thorsday, tbe 5tb inst. ! — The popular Long Branch, and j aleo the pfipnlar Sans Sonci, vrere well patronized yesterday. Mr. Leigb lnine’s “Halea- j i kala," in the ’ Tiser. thismorning, j i displays considerable poelie fer- j vor. There were qnite a nnmber of i seekers after salvation at 2 p. m. vesterday oa the Opera House steps. Bu.siuess men continually eomplam of tbe dnlluess in trade circles. But little cash cbanges ! hands. [ Miss Nenmann entortained a number of her friends last even- ! ing at a most elegant “April Fool” dinuer. — Tho Raymond and Whitcomb j tourisls are spending money freely nt Hilo. Tbey will retarn to town next Saturd«y. Tbe great “enterprise,” mark ! tho wonl, is now to be paid for iu increased rates to the “enterprising” ’ Tiser aud Rat — Tho uow s'ulewalks along the Palaee frontage and on Btcbard strect nre improvements mneh appreciated by pedestriaus. Mr. Cbarles W. Weatherwax is ( acting as raaiuiger for Mr. J. J. Williams, the well known photographer, during the latter,s abseuce frora this city. * ■ Tbere was no reraembrance of tlie Divine commaud to “Kemember the Sabbat'i day and keep it holy,” by the raissionary representatives at tbe Makiki rifle butts yesterday. Mr. H:iy Wodehouse whose sevore illness was reported sometbne ngo. is improviog, bnt he is yet confined to his bouse. A nuraber of peoplo will leave this aftornoon by the Mokolii for Molokai to be presont at the wedding of Mr. Lewis and Miss i Dudoit. Preparatious for the “Feast of Nations” are going on at a good rate. The eutertainment will take plaee in the near fnture at the Opera Honse. It ia for a desorving pnrpose, and promisea io be a great saccess. : — Tbe amateur performance al i the Opera Honse on Saturday even;ng for tbo widow of Kauhune and for Heman Kaooli was successfull fiuancially, bu< not from any aid or assistano< g.ven by tbe “missionary” ele mont Tbe peHonnanoa hae • many good featores. noUbly Uu i singing by Cuelho and oom l panioua, of tho “The Dead Com xada.” > ■ %