Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 76, 2 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. E. Nlelnmi IMPOKTERS AXD DEALEKS PS Grroceries, Provisions A>T> Peed, EAST CORNER FORT A KfNG STS. New Goods Rec"d By every Packet from the Eastern States anJ Europe. Fresh California Prtxluce by every steamer. AII orders faithfally attendod to, aml Goods delirered to any part of the city FREE 0F C HAKOE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guarauteed. Pots 0fl5ce Box Xo. 145, Te!ephone No. 91

LANDS AT AFCTION. Bv virtue of an oi\ler issned jby the Coort through the Chief Jastice. Hon. A. F. Jmld, in regard to the Case of ILLIA3I j WATSON et al. against David | Watson, there wili be sold at I Public Aoction, at the Auction | llooms of Janoes F. Morpan. at 12 I o’eloek noon. on SATURDAY ' April 28. 1894. All those pre- . mises situated at Kaneohe, Kooi iaupoko, Oahu; and more par- ' ticolarly designated as follows, I to wit: Lot 1 3.80-100 acres Lot 2 421 “ Lot 3 37.90 “ Lot 4. 7.35 “ All are pnrts of Royal Patent ' 174 to Paul F. Manini. Lot 5 20 acres Lot 6 Lot 7 20 Lot 8 54.50 LoT 9 .. 54 50 All are parts of those premisee couveyed by Kamehamoha 1\. to David Watsou, by deed dated Dec. 29, 1862. and reconled in Liber 16, 127 and 128. Title perfect. Deeds at tbe expenses of the Purchasers. For further particulars apply to Williah C- Aem, Attorcey for the Commissioner, or to S. M. KAAUKAI. Commissioner. Honolulu : Feb. 23,1894. Hf.xby Congdok. L. H. Dee, California Wine Co. —jobbees of— Wines, Spirits, & Beers. Aud in future the busiuess will be carried nn nnder the nime and style of “ CALIF0RNIA WINE COat 407 Fort street. Mclueruy B’ock. Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, aother Invoice of tho celebrated JOHN WEILAND TI Also, a Fbesh Ixvoick of FOBOYSJi^ COCKJ^lLS L. H. DEE,

Again in Town! >Tew Soii<Xs:, New l\ecitations, >Te\v tnstrumental aml-: Band Selections The Latest and Be?t received by the steamer Monowai, are now on exhibitiou at the Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arlingtin Block, Hotel Street. Don’t mistake the Location. fe!9 iUST ARR1VED, q q q BABY ■ CARR!AGES of 4 aix,styles, MATS, is THE LATES1|rATTEllSS. “JH 0USEH0LD” SEWING MACHINES Hajtd Sewing MaCHDTX8, jyAD WiUi the Latest Injprorementa' , C3 PAKLOK Ors:ans, Guitars=» And Othex Ma«cal Iastroment8 | i \Vines, liquors, Beer always on hano, and FOB 8ALE BY ED. HOITSCHLiEGER & C0. Kin? St. «*pr« r*»tl# * ooke’» H. MAY, & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters Provisi l 98 Fort Str Pamilie8 Eun X