Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 76, 2 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

JIationaI Ii'on Wop^ Qr£E? St*xtt, Betveen Alakea 4 Bichard St>. nfT>ERSIōSED uuik» *U kia At ot «rc pnpmd to In>n Btms. Bn?a*e, fia«, Tm ud LmI CuQaj*. Aln i G«&#rm2 R«pntr Sfcop lor St«*is EogUMa, Bīee Milli. Con» MJk, W*ler VTbeeLs, Wiad Mill*, «M. X*cluae« iur th» Cle*aiag of Coffee. Cm*tor Oila, B«si. Buua, &*< Pia<a»ole Lnm 1 other Fsbrou.< PUaU. AaU P»per 8*ock'. tia< Maehieea for Pxtrsvting Stucb inm the M* n >- «•. Arro» £cot, etc. JJT aU Orvkr» promptiy «ttended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. THE Provisional 6ovemeot OFFICUL LIST OF MEM BERS AND LOCATION OF BDREAUS. Er*cmr* CorxcrL. 9. B. Oole. PresM«nt of the Prorlsiona1 Gorernment «f the Hve-«iian IaUnds, and *inl«ter of Foreim Affhlrs. J. A. Kin?. Mioiater .»f the Interior. 9. M. D«mon. Mini»ler of Kinanee. W. 0. imi’.h. Attorney Generai. ADTT30RY Cocxctl. W. e. WiMer. Yice-Pre*tdent of the Provi«lomu Oorernment of the Hawallan I»land». C. Boite. recl! Brown, John Vott, John Ena, James F. Morgan Ed. 9 hr. Joe. P. Mendonca. Ch«». T. Rodgers. CounclI». John Emmelnlh, E. D. Tenner. W. F. Alien. Henrr Waterhouse, A. Youne. F. M. Haleh, 9ecrctarr Ex. tnd Adr Stpbxmk CorK7. Hon. A. F. Jndd. Ch!ef lnstice. Hon. R. F. Biekerton. Fir>-t A»MK!ate Jnstice. Hon. W. F. Frci*r. Seoond Associafe Justice. Hcnrr Smlth. Chlof Clcrk. Geo. i.ue» s. Deputr Clerk. C. F. Petorson.Sco <nd Dej»ntr Clerk. J. '\ja»tcr Jones, 5tenograpber. CiKcrrr Jcdges. Firct Clrcnit; j£ E. 9econd Clrrnlt: (Manl) A. N. Kepoikal. Thirdand FourthCirc<iits: (H«wail)9. L. Austtn Ftfth Clreuit: (Kauai) J. Uardr. Offloes and Conrt-room In Court Honae, King street. oitting in Honolnlu—The ftrst Monday In February, May, August and Sorembcr. Dic*btjient or Forkms «miia Offleein Capltol KnlMln*. Kln« street. Hls Exoen-<ncv Snnford H. Dole, Mintsler of Koreigu AtT«lrs. Geo.C. Potfer. Seeret»ry. W. Uorace Wrlght, Lioue! Han. Clerks. DEPA«TMEXTOr lNTERIO»Office In Executive Bulidlng, KIng street. His Exeelleney J. A. Klnx, Minlster of Interior. ( hlef Clerk. jōhu A. Has« nger. Asslsta.it Clerk»; James H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole. 9tcphen Mahauiu, George C. Ro»s £dward 6.BoydBCREAi: 0r AGEIcrLTTB« AM) F0BE5TBT. Pre»iilenf; Ifi» Exee!leney the Mini»ter of InterIor. Wm. (; lrwln, Ailan Herbert, John En«, Joseph Uar»den, Commlssloner aud 9ecreury. Cbiin or firaBACs, Ijctb«iob D«pabt*knt. Sorveyor-Geners!. W. D. Alex«nder. Snpt. Ihihl e Work». W. E. Ko«eh. Supt. Wstor W»rks, Ainlrew Brown. Inspeetor. Eleetrie Ueht«, John Ca»»ldy. Rettlstrar o{ C •uvevmnces, T. O. Thrum. Roa<l SopervLsor. Honolnln. W. H Cummlng». Cbief Enidneer Eirc Deot., Jas. H. Hnnt. Supt. Iu«iue Asylum, Dr. A. MeWayne. Dkpabtmk.'ct or Fu*a»ck. Office. Exeentlre Bnlidinr, Klng strect, MlnL«ter o{ Pluanee, Hl« Exc*l!eney 5- M. D«mon. Anditor-General, Oeorxe J. Ro«s. Reel»tr»r of Acccnnt». W, G. A»bley. Clerk of Elnanee Offlee. E. A. Mclnerny. Coileetor (knerm! of ('ustom. J«s. B. Ca»tle. T«x ,i»se»»or. Oahn, Jon«. Sh«w. Depnty T«x A»»e<wor. W. C. Weedon. Puatmaster-G«neral, J. Mort Oat, rrno*s Kck*ac. Offlce. f ustom Hon«e, EspUntde, Fort »tre«t, Coaeetor-Oeneral. J»«. B. C«*t!e. Depnt>Co ! .eelor* F B. M*~toeker. Harhorm««ter. C«puln A. Enllep. Pon Snrveyor. M. n -'«nders. Blorekerper, George C. Slrate»«Ter. .DirA«TMm or atto«mkt-Gksbbaj-Offlce In Exeeatlve BolldIag, Klng «treet. Attorner.Oener«l. W. 0. 9miUi; Depoty Attorner.Gener«l, G. K. WUder. Dcrk.J. M. Ke». Maiahai. E. G. Hlleheoek. Clerk io Manhal. H. M. Dow. Depoly Manhal. Arthnr M. Brewn. Jaf.or Oahn Prlson, J. A. Lotr. Priaoa Physician, Dr. C. B. Coopcr. Boabs or Ixmisratiox. Pre*Wenf, »»ls Eieellene* J. K. Klng. Member of tbe Board o( ImmUmUop.; Hon. J. B. Alhenon, Ja». B. Caat!e. Hon,*A. S. Cleghcrn, James G. Speneer, RoWn#on. Secr«ury, Wray T*yior. Boabs >r HkaLtm. Offie«Ia grounds of Conrt Hoase Ballding, eomer ol Milllani snd Qoe«a streeU. Memhen: Dr. Dav, Dr. Mlner, Dr. Aodrcws, J. T. W*terhocse Jr . John En», Tbeo, T. Lanain* asd AH«n>ey -General āmllh, Prerident-Hoa. W. O Smllh. 3eeretary—<'has. WiIome. Exeeotive Offieer—C. a 8eynold«. In»pector «-vl Manager ot Garhage 9errlco-L. L La Ptorre. In*p*etor—‘J. W. C. Jones. Port PhysleUn, Dr.C. B, Aadrcwa. Dto»aaary, Dr. M. W. Howanl Lepei 9etUeaudt, Dr. R. K. OUver. Boaks or Eoccatiow. Court Ilonae BuUdtng, Eln* strcet. Pre*M*at. Hoa. C R- Bl»hop. Seercury. W. Jamea Smllh. Inapeeui oi āehoo *, A. T. AUlnaon. īnmia Cocbt. Polloe M«rebani stnet A. G. M. lohenaoe, M«