Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — GORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]


[We <ki bo{ fcoU peeipeaaiale fcr tb« optztK)B5 or tfce e lUn >cr> of oar corre*poai*nts. ] EDITOB H0L03fTA: The sarmon .. I beg yonr pardon the speech raade bv Rererend 0. E. Eaaer»on. Monday evening, at the meeting of Ihe American Lesgue, and published in the A is esceediogly interesting. It tells most nnbloahing!y bv what eampaign of most satauic Iies the nef.irious clique of our so-ca!led “missionaries” have been intiiging to gain their point in the Unib*d States. Mr. E;uvr-au’> pleadings for jnstifying Uie tbef; of tbis countrv by his frieiuls. against the wishes and right> of the legal occupant«. the Natives. are espec : ally edifying for the>e and ought to be well read and nnderstoud by them. lu fact, a Hawaiian translation iu fall of Mr. Emerson's candid >tatements of how all tlie weight of the missionary iuAnenee—both male am.l female—has been broughtto near against thejast.bat defenseles> cause of H.iwaiian Imlependence aud Hawaiian self-govern'nent. ought lo be made and distributed broad cast, to evory Native in tbese lslands. lt might open their eyes to the valae of tlie rel gion preached by those sanctimonious hypocrites and pharisees, whose only scope iu life is to trv to grasp at the native kuUana, through the !ies they tell about a future life and a Sajnerae being they know nothing of; it might convince tho poor deluded nutives of the fact that naeu like Rev. (?) Emerson camiot be the preachers of a true God, tlie God of Justice they assame to represeut, and tlie sooner t'ue H;iw:iiians have nothing ra ire to do with such preachers, with such a religion and such a Gcd, the better for t!iem. lf tlie N:\tives mast have a religion, tbey onght to turn to-the Catholic and Ang liean churches, who try to keej> up to the rules of the Christ, an 1 who have had the honor of haviug alone stood by tlie Natives, respected their political rights aml opposed the piratical American euterprise aguinst them. Hawaiiaus! staud by those wh > have stood by you! but remember that ceitainly you woa!d be mueh better withoutany religion at all. than to eoniiuue to frequent the missionary o!uirches desecrated by such men as the Rev.(?) Hvde, S. E. Bishop, O. E. Emerson and others of their ilk, whose absol ite hiek of the eomnion nntions of right nnd wrong isshownby theij treason against the natives, thev are supjK sed to teach and defend, and whnse hvpocrisy and love of temporal power has no equivalent iu the very Bible they soil every timo that they oj>en it Nkmes:s,