Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

M»reh 14 1SIU. TIie f iet tbat but Iess th.-»n one borJre>l {\itent.s Laveheen issaeil br tbe Hawaiian Gover!»raent | tU'fs not spoak voIames for tbe mrent ve ability of the resiilents of tbis conntry. Nor aro all tbe naleuts to Hawaiian>, ramv of tberu, perhaps a majority, are merely to peoj>le in the Unitei! States who wish proteet iheit interests all over ihe wor!il. We Lave hail a p.»tent issned for the Jones Locted Fence, becanse we saw that it was a good thing, and the people who bnild ft nces believed it the be>t thing they hadeverseen. Cortain parties had m conteraplation the iuanufaoture of tho articles nsed in tbe Locked Fence, and we did n«d Ihink that an imit ition irtlole wonld bo half as gootl as t!ie original, honee. tbe p»teut on Hawaii. W e h:ive been selling the Jones Locked Fonce for a year and its |>opnlarity is growing every day. As au evidenco of what theFence is thouglit of bv a O • gentleman who is thorooghly wel! posted in cattle and fences we publish the following letter: “Kapapala li.meli. Kau. U.iwaii, Mareh 10, 1894. ' E. R. Hendry, Esq., Manager Hawaiian Hardware I Co., Ilonolulu. | DorSir: I bnve jnst completed some three mile» of tlie ‘ J >nes Loek Fence” and must s y th»t I am verv mneh pleased with it, in fact it is t!ie fence for a rancb. I hud aboat a mile to constract ovor ' ‘ pahoehoo” where it was nearly impossible to get a ]>ost down, iad f<>und in this case, e«pecia!lv. t'ie “Jones fence” was a great [ saving nf 1 l>or. Tiierearo plaeen in <his Fonce whero tbe are at le.i>t 7ō fect npart aml tbe space between tilled iu with >tags. There is no «ag to it. and it is as spring_v as a wire mattress. I am confident that it wiil toru vny ordinan stock. I have some two and a half mi!es more to coDstrnct over a coantry where wild oatile are very plentifnl, and a> soon as it ii •> n:.<lergoue the te>t there, will wnte yoa further. If it will turn the stock on this psrtofthe land, and I feel confideut it will, yoa ean rest assnred lbat it iv.ll turn niO't anything. except a Lava flow. Very Tru’y Yonrs, J. MONSARRAT. This sbou!d convince the most -skeptic.il: if there arepeople who still doubt, !et them eome to onr store and inspect a satnple. T6s i’iiiia Eiiiwaie Eo., «07 ?v*Stnat<