Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 April 1894 Edition 02 — An Excuse, As Usual. [ARTICLE]

An Excuse, As Usual.

It has, sir.ee ytsterday aftor | noon, been learned that the j number of Hawaiians emp!oyeJ , nt the Kamehaiueha Helioel, who were, to say t!ie least “snggesteJ” to, to i-egister, miiubered, I ° I altogether, 22. Tlie Holomua article createJ a littlo stir om >ngst tho Jove-cotcs of the polit ieal people, who hava influ- ; enee in thc Kamehameha School aflairs, nnd the charge of coerciou ; was strongly Jeuied, esjiecialh' i by thc heaJ carpentor in charge of tho men. Irrepressible Cajitain Tim Murray' perceiveJ tho : bluuJer m:ulo bv the Jischarge J O of the men who r« fusej to reglstor and eudeavored to have thera back, liis effi.rts, however, wcre futile nnlil lie haJ an iuterview witb Mr. Damon, when a note was e JJres.scJ to the carpe'.it- r j luna to retain thc men. M hether : this has bocn Joue or not we j have not beeu able to ascertain, j but tho fact reina : us t!;e men JiJ | aot, uoul l not register auJ thov v:ere Jischarged. Following are the names of the Jesiml voters: Charles M >rris, William M ardlen, Emeki, Niauhoe, Kanekoa, John Hiwa, Joha i Joseph, George, Abraham Ohia, William Eieh, Selein HanJchett, Keawekahi. Milimili, S;uu Nale hu, Pine, Ojnile, Mosos Kaj.ihce, Goorge Kahele, Naui, Kaia, J. Kaili anJ Moke.