Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — DOUBLE DEALING. [ARTICLE]


Not in Accord with the People. A carcl appoarc-d Iast Satnrday in the Hullelin apparently eominp from tbe “Kui Aloha Aina.” It was an atteropt on tbe part of tbe few promi<cous laoUn who run tbat establisbment to di?courage tbat immense meeting of patriots wbicb will be beld to-nigbt at Palaee Sqoaro. Jt is of course a surprise to the loyaI people to see tbe Bulle(in grab and publisb an unsigncd “card” in a political atfair, backed bv everybody connccted witb tbat sheot. Uut we aro yct raore astonisbed to seo the editorof the BulUtin—sball we eall it a Loyalist paper —in one eolumn printiug an anonymoos “card” from tbe “hui - ’ and in tbe next publisbing tbe eall for that meeting signed by tho President, Vice Prcsident, Secretar\’ and several directors of that organization. If the Ēullelin desires to injore or burt the cause of the loyal citizens, who meet to-nigbt, it ougbt to say so witbout fear or favor. If it does not, it ougbt not to speak ono way and act anotber. Mr. 3Iarques wbo publisbed tbe card appearing in tbo Bulletin haa no more rigbt to speak on the bebalf of tbe “Hui Aloha Aina,” tban we bnve and tbe sooncr tbe cditor of tbe Eullelin realizes that fact tbe bettcr.