Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 85, 12 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Basines5 is not any brighter. That noisy Tramway's bos still I exists. . > The councils are meeting this afternoon. Thurston is reported to have be«n rnarried. No important Hawaiian news eame by the Mariposa. •m ■ The Mariposa took people by snrprise this morning. i ! Lepers are again attempting to escape from Molokai. The polilieal Chief J. will find , a “hard nut” in Admiral Walker. Do not omit to attend the “Feast (3T Nations’’ tomorrow evening. Mrs. Willie receives bnt few, if any, personal notices even from the p, g. press. The American League and Shuetzen club are liahle to join forces in the near fnture. — Oapiain Hayward bronght his j“Toiling Butterfly” into port here bright and early this raorn>ng. “ A P rayer; written for the Star ' , will be a standiug joke in San Francisco when the mail gets j there. The arrival of Dailey’s wellknowu dramatic company is hailed with satisfaction by all lovers of good entertainments. The bark. ‘ Albert' and Captain Griffiths seem to bo in accord with the good uewspaper men of tbe town. Thedeclining iS7ar is not in it. The fire-laddies are having excellent morning drill. Chief Hunt aud his foreman Frank Cooper are keeping the boys at j work. Peoplo who buy tickets to the “Feast of Nations” must remember that the datesare wrong. The tickets read 13th and 13th, but shou!d read 13th,Friday, andllth Saiurday. Tho Aloha Aina League is prepariug to eall a mass meeting. Theofticors in the good graces of Bush will be asked to meet and rosound his attempt to run ; the country. Rumor states that “My Mary Ann” Scott, on the B. of E., has : issued an ukaso to the effect that the scholars of the Fort street school ean only have one week‘s vacation’ Is it true? Mr. Charles J. Wagoer is one of the kind of people whieh benefits Honolulu. He is a master meehanie, an inventor and i has capital to invest hore. In the near future the Holomua will be more descriptive. If there is a more popular! suburban plaee for theenjoyment | of the pleasures of sea-bathing than Col. Jim Sherwood’s, with- | in easy reach of the city, then it is “onknown, unhonored, and unsung.” Col. has boen providing for the usaal eomfortable entertainment of visitors during tbe last week, but the pressure,during the lasi few days, of tourists and residents, has alm >st exceeded h s recou rses. Whales are in it. j I Mr. Wellesley Parker who is ■ eugaged on the pictorial puhlieation of the Hawaiiau Kevolution, a volume to be issued by the Uawaiian Gazzette company,is eiy busy gathering material. -’rom the sample produced by this gifted artist the community will have a guarantee that tbe work, as far as the artistic feature is concerned,will be above criticism. Mr. Parker works in a perfectly impaiiial and unbiased manner and will do in hia power to prodace a work thoroughlv rep- : reeenlative of Hawaii and the 1 ■ 1 episode.

Th« M&iipoaa wili s*il f<r the CoIoni«s at 6 p.m. to dsv. Corre5pondenc«, from ‘*So!dier ,J | wi!I be puhliahe-i tomorrow. , The Adams,will verv probabIy, leave for the North, 5n the not j far distant futare. — The Xationai BandBoys shonld feei veiy glad that they did not j voyage to San Francisco. The Jockey Clnb T has arranged for a very good series of races on ljanellth. Kamehameha Day. Admiral Walker will very probably be introduced to the Government, by Minister Willis, on Satarday. Hawaii shonld be well pleased .to have had allotted to her such a capable diplomat, thorough commander, and independent gentleman as Admiral Walker. i It is reported that Mrs. Mary Ailau was strnck in the head with an axe in tbe hands of a Hawaiian at the Mid-Winter Eluke’ The report is doubted.