Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 85, 12 April 1894 Edition 02 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Tbe steamer Mariposa arrived in port tbis morning from San Fraucisco witb news dates to the ōth inst., as follows: San Francisco. Apr. 5. Clergymen strongly opposo the opening of ihe Mid-wint?r Fair on Sundays. The Hawaiian eoni tingen*t protest against tbem San Francisco, Aj>r. 5. Admiral Walkei was given a ban- | quet by the Pacific Union Club. i The w'ealtb aud intelligence of San Francisco were fully repre- ! sented. Ex-Minister Liueoln is in San Francisco. San Francisco poliee court officials, jutlges and bailifis, have been closely connected with rob- j bing drunken men arrested and j tried. Rioting is in progress iu the Coke region of Pennsylvania; several killed. Another bomb explosiou took i plaee at Paris April 4th. King TVilliam and King Humbert were to meet at A ienua ou April 7th. Many Eastern papers are joiuing the Associated Press. Seattle school-teachers are to : have their wages reduced. It will l save the'city ?20,000 a year. Eoits are happening iu Toron- ! to Canada. The Prince of Wales got loaded and was very near being fatallv injured on a moving train in Paris. The “Industrial’ ! army is , stranded in Oaklaml Ca!ifornia. j Scotland is now agitating for | hnmo The Democrats of the Houso \ have ousted Hilhom and seated English. On the 4th the House of Be- ! piesentatives refused to pass the : Bland silver bi 11 over President Cleveland’s veto; 144 to 114. On the 4th, in the Senate, Senator Allison said: In response to a question, that, he inWnded to vote for free sugar, both raw and refined, as it was in the bill as it eame from the j Houso, and then he woukl pro- ; pose an amendment replacing i the bounty on sugar as it was in the McKinley law. Costa Rica is at peaee. The Cabinet crisis in Chili is ended peacefully. A 8250,000 fire occurred in L incaster, N. Y. on the 4th Tbe Denver troub!e is in a fair way to be settled. Tbere is troub!e brewing in Peru. The U. S. S. Yorktown is at Port Townsend. The Chinese district of Shaug- | hai had a 1000 bouse fire on the j 2nd inst. The Chinese treaty will be ; taken up at the next Executive j session of the U. S. Cabinet. John D. Spreckels is at the head of a new salvage companv in San Francisco. A general revolotion in all ! Central American countries is believed to be imminent. C. H. Poole. who was here ! formerly, and left, made an at- . 1 tempt to kill J. T. Weldon of Sao Diego for illicit relations J with his wife. The citv r marshal of Mon:erey is missing with city funds.