Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 85, 12 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

HoNOLULe. .\pril 12, 1894. Ī Alahama pays it- legisiators 84 per day. The ‘Pansy” is bost and eheapest! Maine pays its legis!ators 8150 1 per annum. Try the Jones Loekeil Fence for economy! \Vyoming is the B.iby State in the Uuion. Tho Jones Locked Fonce for ! streugth! New York City is built on 41 square miles. Enclosed with tho Jones wiro Fence, Taramanyism woald , stay there! Chicago has an area of 180 square j rniles. j The Aermotor will supply wator lo tho world! Petoi-sburg, Va., covers 3 square miles. Haviland Ohina Ieads all others ! for boauty! Tho South contains 15,549,358 j white persons and 6,898,806 j colored. Our Oil Stoves for baking save | time aud money! The voting popu!ation in the 1 United States, 1890, 13,230,- ; 168. The Clauss bread knife does not make crumbs! Estiraated population of the Uuited States, 1864. 56.580.740. 1 i Tho Littlo Giant Pat Traps are wonders! : Maine was a j>art of Massnchussetts until 1820. ; i The Fischer Steel Rango burns less fr.el than any others! Nevada ha.s the fowest inhahitants; New York the greatest unmber. : | London has 4,231,431 inhabit- ! ants. Hendry’s Ready M;xed paints are great spreaders! fhe G. A. R. has 403,024 mem bers in the L’uitod States. The Hawaiian Hardwaro Co., Ieads iu evervthin£i! J O New York States sent 448,850 men iu the Union Anny, Bird cages eitber brass or painted wiro at Hawaiiau Hardware Co! Mississippi h;id ,545 men iu the Union Army. ; Table cutleiy and scissors at the Hawaiian Hurdware Co! Theosophy was fouuded in New York in 1875. \ Bradley A HubbarJ Lamps rival tbe sunlight! The typewriter was first thonght of by Henry Mill 200 years ago. Poi Bow!s at the Hawaiian Hardware Co! Ouio is the greatest sheep raising State in tbe Union. The Hawaiian Hardware Co.. organizeJ four years ago, has gone to the top of the ladder by se!ling goods at low prices, ami being “ np to date ’ in eaeh of its many lines. Tfcn Hawaiiaa flartware Co M 307 Fort Street.