Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 87, 14 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Insurance^Xotices. Fire, liife <& Manne INSURANCE. HARTFORP FIRE IN T SURAXCE C0.. Assots. $ 7.109. S 25.4 9 LONDOX LANTASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO. As8ets, $ 4.317,052.00 THAMES MERSEY MARIXE IXS CO.. Assets, $ NEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO.. Assets, $137,499.198.99 C. O. BERGER, Geūeral Agent for tbe Hawaiian Is’anJ3, llonolola iisrsTjnA.TsroEi FIRE & M A RINE. THE |UNDERSIGNED IS AUTHOEIZED T0 TAKE F1RE .\xr MAKINE RISKS ON Merchandise, Hulls, Cargoes, and Commissions AT CURRENT RATES. IN THE FOLLOWING OOMPANIE8, viz; Royal Insurance Co?npany, - Livcrpool Allianee Assurance Fire anei Marine, Lonelon r Wilhelma o/.Madgehary Generalilnsurance Co Sun Insurance Company, - San Francisco .T. S.WAI,KER, Asjent for Hawaiian Islands. Telephoxes: Bell 351 {Mutual 417 Residenve: Mutual 410 ‘P. O. 60x^117 E. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Estimates Qiven on A.lKIvinds i or BRHK, IR0N, STI)NĒ i WOiĒN BMNGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KEEP8 FOR WAT.TrfincK, Lime, C©ment, Iron btone Pipe and Fittings, 01d & New Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles, Qnarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; California and Monterey Sand, k Oranite Cnrbing and Blocks, etc., etc. ICorner King Smith Sts. Office Hours, a ta i to 4 P ML