Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — A Nice Lot. [ARTICLE]

A Nice Lot.

The senate snb-cornmittee. en gaged in an alleged invest:£*tion of tbe re'ations of the Uc.ited States to Hawaiian atf.iirs. siuce •Tannary, 1893. are calling some queer witnesse«. One of tbcse was a person of the name of Jones at one tlme an of the j provisional gōvernmant. and who. according to a Washington sj>ecial correspocdent, “proved to bea strong advooate of annexition of tbe Uuited St.»tes aud a st.ionch snpporter of the present government as opi>osed to that cf the Queen.'’ Another witness was Prof. Alexandei. a Hawaiian, whom the committee allowed to euter on a long argument to prove that the United States forces were uot used to subvert the monarch and estabhsh the Dole oligarchy, He also. boing prompted by Senatcr But;er. went iuto a long discussiea of the race qaestion, on tue islands. Ti.e intelliger.ee of tbe conctry will be onrious to keow how ull this special pleading aud all these historical reminiscences of interested annexationists, eau be iu any degree pertiuent to the question the committee is charg!cd to inqnire into. Thequestion is siraply: A\ hat attitude did Steveus plaee his contry iu towurd thegovernmentStevens was aecred ited to as our representative. All the facts ou that head, wortli knowing, are already puhlie property. Unless the senate sub ' committee has concluded that it must make out a ease cf jnstifieation for Stavens, it is raerely wasting time and it lias no business with anytbing beyond the eokl facts, as lo that person’s performances. The course of the investigators looks decidedly farcical, at this distance. — Chat(anooga 'i'ime