Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

— ■ * CHEAP FURNITURE ! Tisre waj£ & e Qt Corner of King «nd Bethel Hta., Honolnlo, Offer a large assortment of fine and desirable IURMTURE, whieh tbey sell at a very low figore. Bedstead.s, Borea08, Meai Safee, Wardrobes, etc., at pneea to soi t eveiybody. Call and inspect for yoorselves. mar 12 VIKG FAT k C0. »A!WU$IOfA JUSTJRECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kind of Cotton Crape, Latest Style of Shlrts in different qoahtles. ljreat A$ortment of porceIain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Corios 8oitable for Christmas Ooods. 411 KING STKEET, Hoeolnlo. T«lephon«*, B«ll 474. P.O. Box S8fl. Moloal 544. ool3 Im Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTEALIA, anotber Invoice of tbe celebrated JOHN WEILAND LA.qiE| Also, a Fresh Invoice of FOBCOCKf/\fLS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. Sans Snnci % HŪI'EL, WAIKIKI, UONOLULU. Firsf-C/ass Aeeommoaafions for Fourisfs and /sīand Guesfs, SUPERIOR BATH1HG FACmTIE8, Prhntt Cott»g*9 for F»mi!m8. T. A. 8IMP80N.