Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — ON THE DIAMOND. [ARTICLE]


The Caampion Kamehamehas Wm By Flnkes. — Tte Sn*t g 'me of the b*se-bal seaaon of 1894 was pl»ved Sitar d*y afterno«'n on tbe pronnds between the Knmehameha, (eh.-iinpionai and H-»waii clubs. There w«s a smtll «ndience m »ttend*nce when it is leuem ■ bereJ that tnis whs the openinp but ;t is to be hoped tbnt tbe pnb!ic will be moie generoug in t!:eir patron-»ge in the week!v future. Tlie fair ses Wf-re in tbe great m jontv ’ «>f tb«»se wlio v.tuessed tli > Srst g »mean<l tbey f*-lt more comfoit>»b!e. i«nd fully • pprecn*ted, on noticing. tbe «-\t* rision of tbe wire netting in sncb manner as to f>dly protect tl»eir f»»rius »>r feat»m*s fioni eontact witb nnru!y fouls. The p. g. band us usiial disc»»nrsed music >t ihe wrung ti»ne and was m>>re uf a nnis.«uce tban a pieasurab e ■»djnuct Tl>e gam® was ealle»! promptlv iit 3:30 C »pt«iu Tbon»pson of tlio Hawaii’s winning the toss, sent the Kainehameii « s to tiie i>at. bis men taking tbe field. | When tbe two clnbs were tbns separnted, >t >«as easily seen tliat ! tbe ‘ Kum s” men were tbe ; be.iviest, but not !ess ag.le th >u ; tlie Haw iii*s,on!y tbe w. igbt >v.<s 1 benefieial in tbe sttiker s box i I Tbe tirst inning eveued up witb a g>»>>se egg f>>r botb clubs. Tlie seco«d saw tbe ‘ Kam’s’ preseut e>) witb 4 runs fr>>m err>»rs of tbe Hawaii’s. while tbe iatter elnh scored ‘2 runs. TIih tbir»l inr.ing was a duphcation of tbe first, f<>r b«>th. Tbe fourtb. wns a sort of snccess, at first. f>>r the “Kam s” wb»» scoied tbree, but tbo Ha wan’s held up the sinking be«rts of tbeir. sympatbizers by scoring 2 runs, making tlie score nt tu:s i iiiin«>r h«If of tbe g«me 7 for the ‘ K;>ra’s”, 4 for H >waii Ttie fifth only advanced tbe clubs an in- | n ng, witboot a score. as did tbe first p.art of tbe »ie\t. (tbe si\tb) tbe “K.,m’s” T!ie Hawaii’s pulled one out of tbe tb** tnlly b»g whieh placed them at 5; ‘ Knra’s”7. Tlie seveutli inningj wms »>n nnreraiinerat>ve one t>» K j but t'ie bu kers of tlie H's had n b«>isterons !>>ve feast over two rnns obtained and whieh tied tlie | score. Tbe e glit «nd nintb innings were played well by botli clnbs tbe Hawuii’a especially playing well in sending tlie K’s to tbe fiold with a cypber score. Tbe Hawaii’s bopes were bigb for tbe wmning ruu, wlien after two men out Willis a g>>od run ner was danc ng <>fi' tbird. ready f>>r a nm bome«nd Tommy Pryce ul tbe bat Prvce struck a low one betwcen third amī short «nd st>od in silent «nd smiling c>>ntempluti>>n at Wdlis sp irting for home. Reuvsky picked tbe b «11 up passtid it t>> Lin«)say aml Pyrce aml the Hawaii’s w**ie g>i>ised a>*>in. Prvce li!*d n fi\ed idea tiiat only oue man was out. aud be had a tired feeling whieli prevented his» running as be should bave done; be h «d n» sncb fixe l ide«, but m ire of a tired feeliug when be learned tbat iie had lo>t tbe game by his action. Tbe teutb muing w«s »ipene«l by the “Kams”, first striker semiing a b ill iuto H»»lt's bands at left. b>»t Holt li««l a tire*l feeliug aml droppe«l it. Tbe “Kaui’s” tlien «dde«i foor more t<> their sc>»re «nd tbe Hawaii’s got u«»tbing Tbc g «me ended ia f.»vor tbe ‘ Kum'i” by « sc »re of II to 7. Tbe ivg>il.«r score wiil appear tomorrow