Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

It is estimated th; t 2 500 is the lo*al of v«>tes cast uuder th< eleeHou lately pretend<*d t<> have be« n LJd nnder the auspices <>f tl»<* j>. p o!iparchv. Tli sis ;. pre «t f. 11 "H’ fr ui th<* M.830 v«»ters \<'to wer<* r**pivlered at lio* lahi electiou held uiuler th<* m<>n archy Aml slil! is the fa! iu off made t<> nppear when it is • <*>n* inl>erej that fullv 700 of tlu 2 500 are new arr.vala amii have iu» ripht t>» vote oulv b\ reasoi. i f lu* up enrolleJ as p. p. gm<rd : poheo ur in il.e volnnteer corps nnd l>avinp an ex jun( * privil«pe pranted tli* m by llie pow«rs tli >t be. As B*n B.tll«s \v. u!d s y, ”it was a faU)oU8 vic t«iy.”