Hawaii Holomua, Number 112, 14 May 1894 — a Burglarious Deed. [ARTICLE]

a Burglarious Deed.

A robbery is reported to bave ccciured at St. Andrew's Priory |on last Friday evening. and the I peri>etr.»tor of whieh is now being lookeJ for by Detective Larsen and his force. The circumstances , reported iu counectiou with the matter. are to the efiect that; a i subscription fuud ; for a very worthy object, had been under wav for some time past the young ladies iiving their mites freelv. The eoiu was deposited in a box .in au inner room. ()n Friday evening, or uight. one of the boarders ieported a fignre passing her wiudow whieh she jndged j o ba a wh ite person but with faoe blacked. In the aiteruoon tbe robbery was discovereil. Search ; prodnced, later on. the box, - j broken open, with eigbty-five ’ cents theroiu and a hatchet used - iu oj»ening. underneath the • chaptd of the Priory. Xhe som , abstracted is judged to be about i $20 —may be less. and does not | look iike the work of a stranger to the premises.