Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES, Kia^er, Stevecloix‘ vxd AVrecker. ESTIMATES ASD CO.VTRACT> O.' AI.L KiXD3 0F WOEK. The Schoooner MAHIMAEI. will ran r»-gulariy be Treea this port *nd Waiiloi, Kaw«ih»piū, .lokule:», Ke»*ēu.i aud Kaiki on the i-U;i 1 o( Oaha. For Fieight, etc , »p;ūy to the C*pta n. Inquire r»t OS ce of J. S. Walker, over S{ ivckels’ Bt.nk, or V»'right Bros Tort Street. dec 16-'f I =—-==- - = Long Brancli BAT HING Establishment. This First-clhs.- B:ithmg Hesort h:is been enl/ir{.0(.l auil is now opeu to the pablic. It is the best plaee ou the islands to enjoy a bath aml the;e is uo better plaee to lay oft. Special aeeommodatious for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half hourand on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. DAINIPPON Hotel street (Arlington Blook.) The above Store h:.s reeeived another Spleudid uvoice o( |IaPANESE ANCY Goods, Per S. S. “China.” —coMn:istsa — BEAUT1FUL 3ILK DAN CRAPE, Dress Goods in ali sh .do, plain and ti_;ured. Cushions, Table t'ov«rs, BedCoviTs, Gowns, CLemises, S!iawk. Sill; Crape Rainbow Siiks, AU Colors Faney Draperies, EMBROIDERSD KANDSESCH1EFS, Doillīes, Sotirf-, S;isht s, Jaekets, C »j>s, Etc., Etc. NOVEF.TIES: The Prices o( these G oods will astoni-h you iucl’idiag ELECaNT SiLK KIM0N08! H &ndsome Cigar stte Cases, Fiu Oushions, Silk Tea Cossi.‘s, L1KGE 1>D SXlLL JlPlSESE Hl'GS Silk UaibreR&s, light bat strong; Chair Sad,Ues. S.l<: Bamboo Bliuds, itted with palleys; Silk Lamp Shatlt s, new style. J APAXESE SC1 EE>S, Fron» I p. LiKiiE JlPl>E.SE HBKELLlS h* Set with Pole lu the groantL niee (or Ptcuics or Lauehea out of doors, they eau be opeued oai or used as a umL CUTTON CRAPi:S IX GREAT VARIKTY IjT Inspectiou criaEy Iavited. MES. J. P. P. JOLLACO, Proprie ress. Apr'i-3ajB "W ine and Spirit Merchant CimpUU Firt-proof Block, 1C£RCHAST6T. HONOLULU. W. S. LUCE