Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 115, 17 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.WA.ll HOLOMU^, 18 PCBLISHED J]verv Afteinoon LXCEI’T SrXDAY BY THE H:Iorsua Publishing Co. At King St. (Thomas block), Honolulu, II. I. SwL3GEI?TI0N, per 2Confh, 50 Cts. T ■ j 'ii er is dehvered hy Cnrrieni in the 1 >wn iiii'l fubnrbs. Siugle Cojiies f>r Snle «: tl; Niws Iiealers and at ihe Office of pabhuMt:oa. l '. \'D ,\'0RRIE, • - Editor G: ■\GE E. Si!f/rw/£S - Manager XOTICE. >11 Bn ;im-ss Commur1cationh shonld be <i l.m--ed to George E Smithies Honolulu, H. I. O ■: spoucienoe and Oommnnications tor i n Hhould be addresned to the Editor lawuii Holomna. Xo notice will he paid to auy anonymoU8 commnuieations. lHi.siuess Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Ofiu. 113 Koahnmanu S*reet, Honolulu Hawaiiau Islauds. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Luhee- 113 Kiiahumaiin Street, Honoluln Hnwaiian lslauds. PAUL KEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. :tU Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORH, ATTOKXEY AXD COUKSELLOR AT LAW. . t't2c , e. 01d Capitol Building, (Honoluln Uale), adjoiuing Post Office, Honolulu. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORXEY AT LAW, Olhee, corner King & Bethel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and General Auctioneer. t iruer Fort and Quecn Streets, Honolnln Personal attention given to Sales of Forniture, Renl Estate, Stock aml General Merchandise. Untnal Tdophone 23S A. ROSA, ATTORXEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ALercliant Excliange Coruer Kiug auo Xuuauu Streets. S. I. SHAW Manager. 1hr Finest se’eetion of LIQCt)RS and KEKU, sold anywhere in the towu. l irst-class atteuduuoe. CaU and judge for yourself. no lU-tl. THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfaduring Jeireler and Wakh maker, Mclnemy Kloek, 405 Fort, Str. Honolnlū F. GEKTZ. HAS RE-OFKNKD HIS Boot & Sboe Store, Opposite the Clob Stable on Fort Street. and will be glad to boe his old fnends. may7-tf.