Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 May 1894 — AS USUAL. The Kams Beats the Crescents. [ARTICLE]

AS USUAL. The Kams Beats the Crescents.

— The third game in ihe series of i b&sebali contests took plaee at ' the Recreation * gronnd3 on Saturdaj last between teams from the Cresceat and Kam s clnbs. The game looked interesting in the lirst rounil. but althoogh a stnbborn fight was made the ’ Crescents got ‘ knocked out. ’ Following is the official score: kaoe i imiūas. >atll‘« AB. K- HH. O. A. fc. Māhaka 2 b.. A 2 2 11 1 p a e... 1 0 1 ll 0 1 K.'ki. r.f + 0 0 0 0 0 Liad*.tv, I b 1 1 1 l-l 1 * Kmoci. e. ( 1 l 1 2 0 0 ‘ Bndges 1. f 4 0 0 10 l Wise, 3 b 4 0 0 0 4 0 Kaevskv, s. 4 3 2 1 11 Meb«olā, p 3 1 1 0 14 0 Tot.il — — — 34 7 7 27 21 4 l'RESCEATS Aamrt. AK. II- HII. O. A- E W;1 -. - .... S 1 0 5 2 0 1 l.ishmi<n, 2 b o 1 0 0 1 0 Bow 3 b 5 0-0 3 1 1 Wood p ō 0 0 9 t I MeNieol, r. f .. 5 1 10 0 0 Loca>. 1 b 3 l 0 1 3 1 Hok, C,lf 5 1 3 0 0 1 Baker. e 4 o 1 2 2 0 CarU;r, cf 4 0 0 U 0 1 Totdi 33 4 4 24 16 7 Tīme of game—l hnar 50 minutes. Run3 e:iru-.d—Kamehamehas 1. Basi on balU— Bv Meheula 3; bv tVood 2. Siauck ont— By Mehenla 10; by W ■o.l S. Left on l>ases —K.iine'ha» 3; Cresceuts 11. Two-base hit I —l’ahau. Three base hit—0. Holt. D >uble } plav—W. Lucas. Pa»setl l>alls—By Pahau ' 5; bv Bakea 2. Umpires: C. Crabbe and ; M. K. Keohokalole. Scorer: A. Perry. SCORE PA' INNIXG8. 1 23456789 Cresencts 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0— 5 Kamehamehas 0 3 0 0 3 0 1 0 * — 7 Games Ga.nes Gnmes PerWon Lost played c’nt’ge Katus .2 0 2 1.000 Hawaiie. 1 I 2 .500 Crescjnts 0 2 2 ,00<1 A Narrow Escape. The many friends of Mis.s May Cummius were \ery uueasy last uight by leaming that tbe young lady had met with » serious aeeideut. We are pleased to state *. that Miss Curam;ns bas uot boen a suti’erer, althongh she had a very narrow esc>pe. The horso riddeu by Miss Cummins took fright outside tue resideuce of Mr. E. S. Cuuba at Waikiki aml | threw its rider. The French Commissioner Mr. Verlaye whose carriage collided with Miss Cummins’ horse exte.ided all possible courtesies and caused her to be brought to her home. At first it was expectedthat serious injuries would result totheyouug Hawaiian lady, but we are ])leased to state that aside from a prouounced frigbt Miss Cummius is witiiout any injury. lu tho fuure ii wiil be a good idea of oar young borsewomen to seo that the bit of the horse is plaeeil properly in the raouth of the quadruped. Bridle rmgs are good and so nre other rings, but in tlio mouth of a horse they ure out o i plaee. Tho p. g. band will concertUe at Emma square this eveaing. Iuvestigate the death of that uative on Einma street, messiears, the poliee. , — A circus at the nomiuation meeting of the Amerioan (?) I League this evening. The Honolulu club beat the ehampioa team at cricket on Saturday last; score 71 to 53. ‘■Tōm" one of tne boys, builds various refresbioents of a liquid nature; he may be called on at tbe Pacific Hoiil. * Purser McCi»mbe and Chief Stewanl James of the steamer j Austrulia have furnishe«i the nāual uews favors. ( Don t forget if you desire ,to , have a good k.ek coming or a ,buck a bucking then you should , indulge in Bock beox at tho PantheoQ.