Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 118, 21 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

«tart un!e«s witbdrawn by 12 o'eloek noou. on June i>lh, l" >4. £0'**A!1 homs rnust appear on the lrack at the tap of the be!l fn>m the Judges stand; otherw;<e they will be fined. OenenU a<liim>ssioa ŌO cenls Graa't stan({ [extn] 50 oeel- xnJ $; Carriic? [iasufc of eoar«ie] eaoh.. . <Oa*rterstretch b*dges $i'<o AV. M. Gritiard Secrctarv Hawaiian Jockey Club. may 10 —2 wks dly OCEAXIC SteamsliipCo Time |Table. LOCAL LINE. S. S. ALSTRALIA. Amte Hoaolula Leare Honolnia from S, F, ror S, F. Feb. ‘21 Mar. 31. Mar. ‘24 Mar. 3. Apr. 21 Apr. 28. Mayl9! May. ‘2ti. June 10 June 23/ Throu2jh 1-iue* From San Fr.tn. for Sytlney. Arrive HonoluIaj From Sydney for San Francisco. Leave Honolulu. The “ Eagle House ” The Lease and the Good W'ilL of ihis Favorite Famihj lloiel. THERE ARK FOUR DETACHED C»ttaees annexed to the Hotel suitab!e f »rprivat® facai!ifs. The raain bui!ding contains 20 Bed Rooi s large D5ning Koom. j Parlor, etc. The furniture is all elegant and in good condition. The Grounds are beautifully lai<l out in Trees, Flowers, Ferns, and other Plants. Th:s bosiness ean be br>ugbt at a bargiīn on easy terms as to i»aymen*. to T. E* KHOUSE, Arhngton Hotel office. may 9-1 wk. DA\. LYON S CLASSES Meet «t Ar’on Hall everv r TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVEMNGS, at 7 0’eloek. Alsc, oa every Satubday Aftebxoo» at 2 0’eloek. Tuition. 23 cents for eaeh Lesson, and satisfaction gaaranteed or no cbarges made. may 8-tf